
Respect for gates family 66 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Bill and Melind Gates are Billionaire Globalists that want open borders to allow anyone in to our country to destroy t h e middle class by, to distribute yo wealth, only not theirs and what they do part with gladsis to give to FOREIGNERS. NOT OUR OWN AMERICANS HURTING. OR FOR OUR VETERANS WHO ARE IN NEED OF DECENT MEDICAL CARE. SUPPORT THE POISONED EITH AGENT ORANGE HUBDREDS OF THOUSNADS OF VIETNAM VEYERANS RHAT ARE POISONED. Y OUR GOVTMT OF RHE 1960-1970. The war that AMERICANS and spat at them after the got off a plane in San Francisco after FIGHTING to the death for 18 months. You now how crappy you feel after fighting They want only the wealthy , highly educated people if Seattle to populate our state. The do NOT believe in the basic right of LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, privacy, AND THE ba ies killed by ABORTION ANY TIME ANY PLACE ANY TERM, EARLY OR LATE MAKES NOT Difference . CAN TH BAME OR. ILL OG RIGHTS? CAN YOU? treasure right in the Bill of Rights