Why do girl pose like this 16 comments
· 8 years ago
When "properly" arching the back, the chest and buttox protrude, the stomach is pulled back, the neck is elongated, and all "primary" and most secondary erogonous zones are featured. If you have a less than flat stomach, this pose helps hide it, and if you are not "well endowed" in either the butt or chest area those areas are given more prominence and the upper thigh appears as part of the glutes making them seem larger. It creates a maximum curvature, where traditionally a females curves are considered appealing. Finally it evokes imagery of several positions of intercourse.. if done correctly to keep a "line" down the body from head to toe and maintain visual balance. If not it looks awkward and to some either way it's lack of subtlety is less erotic than comical or offputing.
Thank you 5 comments
· 8 years ago
The circular saw used to build many of those things was invented by a woman. The weave that makes radial tires possible like on that bus, and windshield wipers were invented by women. So even if NO women at all had any hand in constructing ANYTHING you see in that picture, it couldn't have been done without them. The second part "supporting their families" assumes all those men had families, and none were deadbeat dads or husbands- and doesn't say "helping support" do you see it? This is giving full credit to men alone. That's the point. Not that men don't do great things or contribute, but that men get most of the credit for things even when a woman is involved. This sign doesn't support men, it glorifies being male. There's a big difference. Be proud of what you do, but understand that without women and men both society and life itself couldn't exist. Recognizing women doesn't mean knocking men down- women just want equal credit after several centuries of being left out. Wake up.