
Some people shouldn't be parents 69 comments
guest · 7 years ago
True or not: aggressive verbs like "forced" and "quickly", the fact "removal" was needed to "fix" him, and let's look at "normal." You could argue that means "normal for him" but in context that's obviously not the case. "Normal" refers to a male archetype here. The wording is clear that it isn't the forced gender identity they want as the focus. They want to focus on crackpots who aren't "normal" harming children, and paint non traditional gender roles as an illness or forced lifestyle. The idea of forced gender is avoided because usually we force children to conform to "normal" male and female dress and behavior. So if the issue was that parents shouldn't force gender on kids, it would say that and not what it does. Bad propaganda is insulting on either side of an issue. At least try to disguise it as something else.
Gaston, the most terrifying disney villain 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If the whole village was like Belle, except Gaston and his eccentric but supportive father, would we root for the outsider gaston, bullied and on the fringe because of his unpopular and unconventional views? Would we applaud his strength for maintaining true to himself even against the majorities wishes? I wouldn't. Because it's not about "outsiders" it's about seeing a person you sympathize with or identify with triumph. Values like freedom and equality are not universal. The majority is not always right, but not always wrong. We cheer because the ending validates our beliefs and sees "our side" teach the "backwards savages" to be "civilized." The theme of most history books. It's not about right or wrong, it's about forcing others to submit to our opinion on how the world should be, the opposition always believes they are just as right and that you are just as evil for your views.
Trains are the best 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago