vv smopl sleepster pupster 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Compassion for animals 15 comments
White people culture 63 comments
· 8 years ago
lol k
ill prove my point then...
marriage, for example, isn't
culture... thats why people in other "non white countries' get married...
I don't know how the fuck is the invention of a plane culture but anything to disprove those damn SJW's
isn't culture, its an expression of culture
painting is also an expression of culture...not a "culture" by itself (its even more ridiculous when you reduce it to the Mona Lisa)
also, "white" "black" "hispanic" culture doesnt exist... BECAUSE CULTURE IS DEFINED BY PLACE, NOT RACE... thats why a black person in the carribean and a black person in Ghana don't have the same culture... if there was at any point ion time in which a person from another race influenced the culture of a particular place (aka every time)... the culture would not be related by race... thats why you have things in common such as chinese/japanese caligraphy (guess what, NOT based on race)
ill prove my point then...
marriage, for example, isn't
culture... thats why people in other "non white countries' get married...
I don't know how the fuck is the invention of a plane culture but anything to disprove those damn SJW's
isn't culture, its an expression of culture
painting is also an expression of culture...not a "culture" by itself (its even more ridiculous when you reduce it to the Mona Lisa)
also, "white" "black" "hispanic" culture doesnt exist... BECAUSE CULTURE IS DEFINED BY PLACE, NOT RACE... thats why a black person in the carribean and a black person in Ghana don't have the same culture... if there was at any point ion time in which a person from another race influenced the culture of a particular place (aka every time)... the culture would not be related by race... thats why you have things in common such as chinese/japanese caligraphy (guess what, NOT based on race)
Sometimes stereotypes are accurate 10 comments
Sometimes stereotypes are accurate 10 comments
· 8 years ago
political correctness isn't a thing unless you want it to be... you fear a monster that isn't there
And It's Gone 31 comments
Piece of cake 65 comments
· 8 years ago
funny how sometimes when immigrants are considered illegals they're considered criminals without any context at all