
Who let this happen #97: We have come full circle 25 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Japanese culture is traditionally isolationist and xenophobic. Japan has no laws against hate speech, few if any laws against discrimination, and things like jobs, loans, housing, and even citizenship are determined by blood above all else. They do not speak openly about many things and racism is one. Despite the strong racial tensions and divides in Japan, their national dialog is largely silent on the issue; although one of the former PM's top brass is on record suggesting an apartheid system for non "purebloods" and foreigners. Black face and nazi themed fashion aren't rampant but don't carry any of the controversy they would in the west. So yeah- the principal of SJW's getting offended for someone else is outrageous, but in context does it change anything if the group in question has no real social concept of cultural sensitivity?