
HAES activists are dropping like flies 25 comments
guest · 7 years ago
At one time in my life, I was 85lbs overweight. I went on a restricted calorie diet according to my doctor's recommendations. After a month, I had put on 8lbs just eating salads. So after some tests, they found out I had a tumor on my pituitary causing Cushing's syndrome. Fast fwd a year after brain surgery, and I lost 19 lbs in a year of strict dieting. My hair starts falling out. Go for more tests, I got thyroid problems. Get on pig thyroid, takes five months to really take effect. After six months, I start to lose weight only slowly, but faster than before. I'm still 30 lbs overweight and less miserable than before, but it's an absolute nightmare, because I blew out 3 discs in my back, and now I cant even exercise. But I have to lose the weight, and now I can, I will continue, no matter how hard. The point is that if you are a frigging whale despite your best efforts, something is wrong. Go see a specialist. Modern medicine will help you get thin.