Bucky? 6 comments
· 6 years ago
That cat is actually a female. Only females can be calico
I guess we need a doctor to figure it out 67 comments
· 6 years ago
Piers Morgan had a great response to this woman.
I normally hate PM, but he hit the nail on the head with his commentary on her
I normally hate PM, but he hit the nail on the head with his commentary on her
Whew that's a relief 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Most of the designs for full 3D guns don't last more than a few rounds.
AR15 3D printed lowers melt.
The cheapest metal 3D printer is $100,000.
It has never been illegal to make your own firearms from parts at the hardware store.
AR15 3D printed lowers melt.
The cheapest metal 3D printer is $100,000.
It has never been illegal to make your own firearms from parts at the hardware store.
I bet he wishes he was one of the guys sent to find the Moon Monolith. 16 comments
· 6 years ago
I mean... Technically he went through space? Does the space between Gates count?
Relax, woman 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Here is the catch-22 of modern feminist arguments: you can choose to do anything you want to do and not be restricted by your sex, but you can't flaunt yourself for your own gain by your own choice.
Which is it?
Which is it?
Don't say they didn't warn you. (Or: Glitter Against Humanity Card Pack) 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Unsurprisingly, the people who run Cards Against Humanity seem to be assholes
Let it be known, this is my permanent excuse for not losing weight 12 comments
· 6 years ago
This is so true for me. I've ruined my knees trying to lose weight while dieting. Hardly worked. Counting calories alone and I've lost 40lbs
No respect for cheaters 34 comments
· 6 years ago
63 percent of suicides nationwide are individuals from single-parent families. 75 percent of children in chemical dependency hospitals are from single-parent families. More than half of all youths incarcerated in the U.S. lived in one-parent families as a child.Nov 24, 2012
Story of my life..!! 7 comments
So much for the tolerant left 17 comments
· 6 years ago
Because rather than forming an actual thought or logical argument, they will call you a Nazi or Alt-Right or whatever just to dismiss everything you say out of hand as well as dehumanize and vilify you.
When I try to do crunches 4 comments
be DifEReNt AnD YoU'lL alWaYs STaND oUt 7 comments
The face of questioned life choices 4 comments
How could he 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Look at it from a different perspective; if every conspiracy theory were true, 128 people were shooting at JFK that day.
Cutting down a large tree 3 comments
Slow down 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Maybe you should keep your dog out of the street.
But that's none of my business.
But that's none of my business.
Just some tips 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Unless the lights are on 24/7. Then LEDs overheat and burn out very quickly. That's where the CFLs work best. Otherwise CFLs suck and take forever to brighten up
Good luck indeed 22 comments
ADs are getting smarter 4 comments
Right on, Ricky 41 comments
· 7 years ago
The guy was making fun of Nazis and got called anti-Semitic. Freaking stupid that he was even charged, let alone convicted.
I wonder why 4 comments
I've made up my mind 5 comments
· 7 years ago
From what we were taught, a scientist was dissecting a monkey, cut himself with his scalpel and infected himself, then infected his wife through sex, then his wife cheated on him and spread it to another guy, and it took off from there
Truth has been shown 13 comments
· 7 years ago
When the cold hearted bitch got married in the time while I was deployed overseas and got shot.... Fuck her
Exposed 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Markiplier has done the PewDiePie thing. He went from posting video game videos to posting weird BS and the channel doesn't have direction anymore
After boiling a cracked egg 5 comments