
The great Carl Sagan 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
This is about global warming and climate change right?
To the people who think climate change is fake and co2 is not caused by man 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Let's all remember that there is a difference between weather and climate. The long term trends of weather are what determine the climate. The temperature today, a hurricane today or any single event is only relevant in the context of its place as a data point. Predicting changes in the Earth's climate is still in its infancy and the science is not settled. Science is never settled because we are continually asking new questions that affect old answers.
The future is now 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If scientists want to be taken seriously, particularly climate scientists, they need to follow the scientific method, release their data and methods and quit trying to silence or bully others who have differing analysis to theirs. Science is never "settled" because of the enormous amount of questions remaining about our world and our universe. Just because someone wants to see you data and proof does not make them an idiot. By definition they are quite the contrary.
Learn the difference 21 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If you want more of something let people hunt it. This is simple economics because when people will pay for the chance to hunt an animal there is more incentive to preserve them. The animals become more valuable as a resource and there is therefore more pressure to preserve the habitat they live in, prevent poaching, etc.
What have we come to? 21 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Dear snowflake, you are in for a long, hard life. If an unproven theory causes you this much pain you will not last long in today's world.
Interesting 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Hockey stick = pure baloney.