
All fanboys unite 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It's cuz he's wearing a glove you fools
It's just a joke 47 comments
guest · 7 years ago
You aren't getting the point trashmansrevenge pride isn't a giant therapy session for gay people and all their issues in life. Of course straight people have issues, everyone does. But those issues are not due to being straight. Also, believe me, if people could choose to not be gay, I'm sure many of them would want to so they wouldn't get discriminated against by the likes of you. Who wants to be hated and constantly made fun of by society?
Since fs seems to like this kind of stuff 25 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Ever heard of systemic racism/discrimination my dude? It's what happens when a society hates a group of people and thus words against them could lead to actual harm if anyone chooses to follow through. A few tumblr people saying "oh I hate cis people" is not going to cause cis people to be killed or hurt in any way. Saying "I hate the Jews" for example or making tons of holocaust jokes normalizes violence against a minority and there have been several bomb threats to synagogues and cemeteries defaced in the last year, so you can't just say all those jokes online about concentration camps and stuff haven't really affected anyone. There have certainly been a few situations that go against the model of systemic racism we have in America (can't remember the whereabouts but some white guy was stabbed by a few black people for being white) but generally a few people saying they hate white/cis/male people doesn't actually systemically harm that group of people