
This is something I would do 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
but you're not supposed to write academic papers with I anyway. fake news.
A sad but common story 20 comments
guest · 7 years ago
46 isn't the end of life. it's never too early to find and follow your passions. divorce her. take half the money. get a small apartment and finish your novel. take your son to the park, listen to his life. encourage him, let him know you're there for him. travel on your book release tour. don't give up. sooner than you think you'll be 66 and regretting not doing the things you knew you should have in your 40s.
That's not "creating jobs". That's just being a d*ck. 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
When I was a cashier, going outside to push the carts in was a nice reprieve from working at the register with shitty people all day.