That moose-d have been an interesting conversation. 4 comments
· 7 years ago
It's not a ring...well, not the kind for a finger at least.
Pipe da pipeline 8 comments
· 7 years ago
And all those college students and faculty are more than happy to,protest that oil pipeline, but none of them will actually decrease their use of oil-derived resources. Heck, they may even drive their out-of-tune cars to the protest...not sharing rides, of course.
Smooth guys at work 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Who's the jackass...the guy who posts a funny photo he took, or guys who hold up signs to draw attention to what they're trying to not have others know they're doing?
Thoughts?? 15 comments
Richard hammond is a cool dude 12 comments
· 7 years ago
So, the caption is incorrect...he didn't leave his car stuck in traffic, but pulled off legally once the road was no longer driveable. People need to have accurate captions, or at least expect comments that come from being mislead.
You don't need that kind of person in your life 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I find that I just can't wish bad onto people, even when it'd be justified or karma. I just hope that he'll realize the error of his ways at some point, and that his exGF will find someone good now that she's not shackled to that shallow short-sighted parasite.
Prom! 11 comments
· 7 years ago
-Thats gross that two guys are dating
-OMG, you're so judgmental!! What two people do is only their concern. It's love so it's OK.
-It's two brothers...
Thank goodness it's just photo shop. So we don't have to see if all the "don't judge" arguments still hold.
-OMG, you're so judgmental!! What two people do is only their concern. It's love so it's OK.
-It's two brothers...
Thank goodness it's just photo shop. So we don't have to see if all the "don't judge" arguments still hold.
McDonald's heist 5 comments
Perpetual electricity 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Sure you've got infinite Electricity, but you've taken up all the plugs so now how do you make use of it?
Please enlighten me 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Right. You're a spoiled self entitled brat but it must be someone else's fault. My wife and I didn't raise our kids to expect a trophy for just participating and expect a pat on the head for doing what is normally expected of everybody, but I can't very well control how other people raise their kids. There's just a time in your life where you have to take responsibility for yourself and the fact that you can't do that shows you're not ready to be an adult yet.
Facebook movements 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, people pouring cold water on themselves to post on social media and daring their friends to do the same is a wonderful way to get attention and appear to support a cause...but by enduring the cold water you AVOID the obligation to donate money, so that didn't really raise anything. It was a free way to have an excuse to get attention and feel like you were doing something and to signal your virtue.
It doesn't seem like any dictators have abdicated due to "likes" of anti-dictator posts. The whole thing is so shallow, but the cartoon shows that, and bursts the balloon of those who think their social media actions make them politically aware.
It doesn't seem like any dictators have abdicated due to "likes" of anti-dictator posts. The whole thing is so shallow, but the cartoon shows that, and bursts the balloon of those who think their social media actions make them politically aware.
Remember this 16 comments
Guy standing sitting 3 comments
· 7 years ago
If he tells us something that isn't true, he's Guy Standing sitting lying.
And if he tells us something that isn't true while trying to get elected, he's Guy Standing sitting lying running.
And if that something that isn't true reminds you of something, he's Guy Standing sitting lying running jogging your memory.
Man, I gotta sign up for this site so I can share my thoughts more than three times a day.
And if he tells us something that isn't true while trying to get elected, he's Guy Standing sitting lying running.
And if that something that isn't true reminds you of something, he's Guy Standing sitting lying running jogging your memory.
Man, I gotta sign up for this site so I can share my thoughts more than three times a day.
To the people who think climate change is fake and co2 is not caused by man 14 comments
· 7 years ago
The earth has warmed and cooled many times over its life. A lot of that was before humans existed. In addition to the yearly solar cycle that's obvious (winter, spring, summer, autumn) and the seven year sun spot cycle that we know contributes to hurricanes and so forth, there are 400 years cycles and 2000 year cycles the sun goes through. So, there may be global climate change, but it's pretty conceited to believe it must be because of us.
When Bush II was president, the US took a lot of flack for not signing a world carbon reduction agreement. The US continued to get criticism as it reduced carbon emissions (because that made sense to reduce energy expenditure, more efficient energy sources became feasible, etc.), but Europe increased its carbon emissions, and Asia drastically increased theirs. So, giving the government the authority to take the last little bit of energy from Americans won't make much carbon difference. If it's even humans anyway.
When Bush II was president, the US took a lot of flack for not signing a world carbon reduction agreement. The US continued to get criticism as it reduced carbon emissions (because that made sense to reduce energy expenditure, more efficient energy sources became feasible, etc.), but Europe increased its carbon emissions, and Asia drastically increased theirs. So, giving the government the authority to take the last little bit of energy from Americans won't make much carbon difference. If it's even humans anyway.
WLTH 108: wow even I'm not that petty 72 comments
· 7 years ago
Since the money would come from taxes, it punishes taxpayers. Even if you don't care that none of them owned slaves, and many aren't even descended from slave-owners, you have to notice that some Blacks are taxpayers. Money going to people because of their skin color means some of the recipients will be those who came to the US recently, or whose ancestors came to the US after slavery was abolished. So, this proposal taxes some Blacks to pay "reparations" to others whose ancestors were never slaves.
Well, their ancestors MIGHT have been slaves...but in Africa, and slaves to another tribe. The United States didn't *invent* that $#!+.
How about rewards of some kind to the descendants of Union soldiers who gave their lives to end slavery?
Well, their ancestors MIGHT have been slaves...but in Africa, and slaves to another tribe. The United States didn't *invent* that $#!+.
How about rewards of some kind to the descendants of Union soldiers who gave their lives to end slavery?
Shadow Warrior 2 understands why people play on "Easy" 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Whereas playing the game on a higher difficulty isn't self-serving somehow and helps the world in some intangible way.
Smedley butler knows whats up 12 comments
· 7 years ago
North Korea is a sovereign nation, so even though it's a dictatorship we don't have any right to be dropping bombs and stuff on them just because their form of government is completely screwed up. What the heck do you expect us to do? Afghanistan is in response to the 9/11 attack which they took credit for. On the Nazis, We did get involved early, and that was a result of Trying to keep our noses out of Europe's business, but that Sure didn't go well for the rest of Europe. I didn't bring up World War II originally because I think that's overused, but since you started it, without the United States, Europe would still be under Nazi domination.
Good 'ol times 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Thank you for listening to him and looking at the picture. Some times those of us from another generation have something worth seeing or hearing. Also, having a little respect for him probably made his day, as much as connecting briefly with you.
Don't let history repeat itself 5 comments
· 7 years ago
We shouldn't censor them. We should just demonstrate, vandalize local businesses, and block roads if it looks like we might have to listen to someone's point of view that we might disagree with. Well, not listen to of course, but if it looks like some other POV would be presented nearby.
AI can feel depressed too 11 comments
· 7 years ago
There's nobody like her....that is, there's no teen boy AI to be her OTP. Many teen girls mistakenly think they won't ever find the right boy, but Miss Frankenstein needs a mr.
For those who judge all the time 12 comments
· 7 years ago
It might be that people judge those with tattoos, just like people with tattoos judge those with what they consider too many tattoos or poorly done tats or whatever. The really judgmental ones are the people who presume I must be judging them when I'm not.
The justice system is flawed 73 comments
· 7 years ago
Last year inStockholm, 100% of the rapes were by Muslim "refugees." Ignoring that because it's "mean" won't help solve the problem. Or, stick your head in the sand and let the grow ups try to address the problem, although I'm sure you'll pop your head out for criticism from time to time.
I'd have to agree 11 comments
There are 2 ways you can go about this 14 comments
· 7 years ago
If I didn't have to work for a living, and had paid assistants and schedulers, I could donate A LOT of time to charity.
Smedley butler knows whats up 12 comments
· 7 years ago
I Sort of agree with this. As an American, I think more and more about not helping out these countries in need and letting the UN take care of it. Of course, the UN isn't good for much other than issuing condemnations of Israel, but at least we could keep our big fat noses out of everything else.
Stupid fracking scientists and their fake news 16 comments
· 7 years ago
The plains region of what is now the US was once under water. Then there was a global ice age. After that, things,warmed up and the Renaissance occurred. Whose SUVs were responsible for all those global climate changes?
Wise words 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Somebody making a stupid comment after deliberately taking something you said the wrong way (and it's not even his f'ing business) illustrates perfectly why some of us need time away from people occasionally. If it's not to "recharge my batteries," then just consider it for your protection..." It's a lot easier to put up with dbags when I'm fully rested.
Japan is adding seeds to their newspapers so they can become plants again after use 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Wouldn't it be smarter to use non-seeded newspapers for mulch, and add the seeds OF THE PLANTS YOU WANT after the fact? To not have the seeds of a bunch of unwanted plants rendering the newspapers unusable for a garden?
This is brilliant. 3 comments
· 7 years ago
...I just can't stand those coworkers. Some of them are deceptive and even lie to me.
I'll volunteer 19 comments
· 7 years ago
So you want to destroy the black race, the Hispanic race, the Native American race and the Asian race? You f'ing racist.
Totally my luck 1 comments
That moment when the Two Towers were almost stolen 6 comments
· 7 years ago
No. There are only criminals in America. Bad things only happen in the US because of...errr...Murica! Everyone else lives in idyllic peace and free healthcare.
So I guess all white men are p*dos now 34 comments
Why doesn't this happen more 3: I apologize for the long post 28 comments
· 7 years ago
*I* am not trying to complicate things, but have been corrected by an African American for calling him Black. So this issue is coming from the Blacks/AA's and the politically correct crowd.
Regarding the meme/post: If you want more of a certain thing, create it yourself and with like-minded people rather than cry and whine that other people should do it for you. Yes, it will take some of YOUR effort, but put on your big girl pants and do something instead of expecting things to be handed to you because you feel bad.
Regarding the meme/post: If you want more of a certain thing, create it yourself and with like-minded people rather than cry and whine that other people should do it for you. Yes, it will take some of YOUR effort, but put on your big girl pants and do something instead of expecting things to be handed to you because you feel bad.
Braille memes are the dankest 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Alternatively, someone is trying to take a photo of someone who appears to be taking advantage of the accommodations given to blind people. It appears that this guy is taking advantage of what we give blind people because they need a little help getting around and yet is using his phone. In a situation like this, it's better to have the picture and find out later the guy has a reasonable reason for appearing to be blind but still using a phone.
What a special photograph 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Alternative: Stay in car, shoot pictures though window opened to let lens poke out. Sit manequin or raw meat outside door.
Just a little something to think about 45 comments
· 7 years ago
Also, why is being drunk an excuse for not being able to give consent, but not an excuse for knowing how drunk the partner is implying she can't give consent? That is, maybe the man is as drunk as the woman, and if she can't give consent due to temporary stupidity, reasonably you should say that his temporary stupidity keeps him from recognizing or understanding that.
Oh george. 6 comments
· 7 years ago
1. We will boycott movies and artists that espouse views we disagree with.
2. We will ruin the businesses and call in death threats on people who don't want to do business with us because they disagree with us.
2. We will ruin the businesses and call in death threats on people who don't want to do business with us because they disagree with us.
He can hurt you 46 comments
· 8 years ago
We don't have a bunch of minorities and *illegal* immigrants sucking up all the welfare money. Husker Du!
He betrayed them 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Number 84: if you want to stay under the radar, don't have a big sign saying how you're trying to stay under the radar.
Those evil terrorists 24 comments
· 8 years ago
One of the ugliest and most horrific episodes is referred to as the "Rape of Nanking." The Japanese soldiers that took over that city in China did a lot of terrible things, one of which was to play game where one would toss a baby and another would try to catch it on his bayonet.
who let this happen 34: this is why aliens don't visit us 35 comments
· 8 years ago
That's right--that woman DOES need to taste reality. Although it would be better if she tasted something more on the topic under discussion...
When our Milky Way collides with Andromeda 15 comments
· 8 years ago
The only solution is government control of all carbon emissions, starting now.
Family guy 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Plot twist: It's not private companies trying to milk "customers" of huge profits, but the government. When health insurance is controlled by one entity (single payers, that is, government health coverage for all) there won't be anyone to provide any alternative to "managing" illness.
Google maps is acting funny 4 comments
· 8 years ago
remember when President Clinton had people staying in the Lincoln bedroom there in exchange for "donations" to the Clinton foundation?
MakeEuropeGreatAgain 18 comments
· 8 years ago
That makes Sense because having Americans in European universities improves their diversity and as we all know diversity is such a wonderful thing to have everyone else should be paying for it.
Mystery machine 4 comments
· 8 years ago
I tried to steal a van like that once. I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for these four meddling kids and their dog.
I present you Jim Jefferies 2 comments
· 8 years ago
In plenty of African countries and in North Korea you can kill someone in front of a cop and have no consequence… As long as you are a member of the class that's in power. Being able to do something in front of a cop with no consequence is hardly a measure of freedom.
Spot the difference 38 comments
· 8 years ago
Europe Needs immigrants who want to work and contribute to society via the value they create and via taxes, and also want to assimilate into the local culture. Nobody needs immigrants who want to come and just rest in the welfare hammock and bring the culture of the craphole that they are supposedly fleeing. (Like the bulk of the Middle East "refugees")