
He saw the future 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Tobey Magwire made my mom hate Spider-Man. She likely will have to be heavily persuaded just to get Spider-Man Homecoming for us kids.
We all have our little world 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
This is how I see it:
Little girl gets in trouble at school for drawing how she feels because it's not bright and pretty enough. So she goes out and finds beauty in the world and draws it instead of her usual darkness. Now the teacher will feel like she "fixed" the girl despite the fact that it's only a paper thin wall over her darkness that is hiding the true problems from the world.
Summer means more time for funsub 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What if your fear is a boggart's(?) true form?
Well that's something 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
original DP not evil Frankin-Pool
Right in the bat-feels 13 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that Hellboy is one of few characters to have a power of death touch. Basically a power that with a single touch he could dropped all but those with "true immortality" dead.