
Sharks do get sick and get cancer 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Logic would say that if sharks don't get cancer, you should eat what sharks eat to also not get cancer, not eat the Sharks themselves. So the sharks are screwed for the reasons listed PLUS bad logic.
Opposing views are hard 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Nobody is saying that any abuse is ok since someone has it worse elsewhere. In the west, there are assaults, but it's against the law and the perpetrators will be punished. In Islamic countries, it's ok for family honor. Has everyone forgotten the women who were stoned to death for being raped? The photo even has the caption pointing out the comparison to having to hear opposing viewpoints...NOT comparison to other abuse.

I can't believe people missed the point so bad, when it's even part of the damn caption. But it does serve to demonstrate the trigger warning: Rock some people's world a little and they go full batshit on you. "Point out that in some countries women can be attacked with non consequence? You must think that rape is ok in the US."

Opposing views are hard 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
You are right, Dan. Many men in the US *can't* handle opposing views. I see it most often with college age "men" who can't tolerate non-PC opinions from women who think that abortion is murder or that Hillary wasn't a good choice for US President. Or from female taxpayers who, against all PC principles, don't think the the federal government has the responsibility to,provide everyone with health insurance or "free" college. Some of those "men" even need "safe spaces" where they don't have to hear those horrific opinions.
Slow clap 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I had a friend that was like that. I was middle of the road in every way, but omg the crazy adventures I'd get into just because I was with good old "Spiney."
Standing on top of a giant Jenga tower and throwing things at it 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Nobody can hurt him,but himself.
Will has no chill 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It makes you wonder what the history was. Maybe most of her texts were complaining that she was worried about breaking up. I dated a girl, and every damn date one of the topics was how her friends didn't think we should be dating. Eventually I just agreed with them because I was tired of having to deal with that constant drum beat.

If someone would have just excerpted our last 12 sentences, I'd look pretty cold, but that "my friends don't like you and don't think we should be dating" crap got exhausting.
Man-Bear-Pig 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Ahahaha! Eez funny beecuz is making fun of the Trump!
Roses are red,I really mean it 28 comments
guest · 7 years ago
In the 1980s, they rejuvenated The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits TV shows. In one of those, this woman is driving with her husband when she freezes up and points out a man on the street and tells her husband "that's the man who raped me." The husband chases after him and catches him, and they fight and he ends up killing the guy. Then he finds his way back to his wife without her knowing what happened. Then they're driving and a little while later she points out a different man who didn't really look anything like the first, and the wife says again "that's him, that's the man who raped me."