
Uneducated teenagers 23 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Who enslaved people more that the British? They CREATED the colonies that became the USA...should've created them slave-free, but that would t have given the British empire what they wanted. And don't get me started on southeast asia, which the Brits wanted for the rubber plantations. There's the subjugation of all of India, so compared to the English, American slave owners were pikers.
Barack Obama's response to Charlottesville violence is the most liked tweet 25 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Obama did a lot to exacerbate racial tensions while he was president. Every reaction was based on how to best advance the lunatic left fringe. Nobody disputes that Black Lives Matter, but the whole movement's narrative was that we should only be concerned about Black lives. They went nuts when someone would say that All Lives Matter. How many times was there tension because a Black man was killed by police, many times a BLACK officer and many times while not surrendering or while trying to harm the officer? Obama used those situations politically rather than defuse the situation. He even invited that Muslim clock boy (who took a clock out of its case and brought it to school for the sole purpose of creating fear so they could ridicule people who alerted authorities about a possible bomb) to the White House.

Y'all who think Obama was a reconciler are living in a dream world.
Black woman protecting a fallen racist from a crowd 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What is more likely to change someone's mind if they're on the fence: this, or getting a crowd together to "protest" the people you disagree with and busting heads (of those who you outnumber and can bully without as much personal risk)?
Candle flame in zero gravity 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Without Gravity the hot air doesn't rise and draw fresh air (oxygen rich) to the flame.
The water trick 17 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I'm not annoyed by the joke, or by sky's comment about disliking it. I'm only annoyed at your self-imposed defense of it as the joke police.
Eat everything 23 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Because being healthy, whether considering your weight or the fact you eat only candy, potato chips and microwave snacks, is a social construct and you shouldn't buy into that.
"That's a bold move Cotton.. Let's see if it pays off" 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Finally, something at the left can be annoyed with. A Somali immigrant that was made a police officer in the Twin Cities, shot a white woman who had called the police. He shot her from the patrol car when she approached them to describe the crime she believed she witnessed. it would be politically incorrect to not allow the Somali immigrant to continue policing despite his bad ranking from qualifications and testing along with his many previous complaints.