Ugh, I want a duck too 23 comments
· 11 years ago
In Tennessee when I went with my grandpa,we went to a hardware store for fishing poles and in the corner where just like a ton of baby duck s and chicken. They were so frickin cute.
Why do you always need a title? 112 comments
Laugh like you think it's funny 17 comments
Post yours! 137 comments
· 11 years ago
Book, super fudge.sentence, mom bought me a contraction called a pooper scooper.
Best band name ever 219 comments
well.. that was funny 25 comments
I need a push 11 comments
How to be a table ...Yeah 13 comments
· 11 years ago
I aaw this with a three year old in the middle at a harlem wizards basket ball game
you're only a real fan if... 11 comments