
A hole in the plan 17 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Ok friends here we go. So you’ve got feminists: people who believe in equal rights for every gender. Plain and simple. Not misandrists. Equality. Then you’ve got something people call TERFs (shitty acronym but fuck those guys). This stands for trans-exclusive radical feminists. They call themselves feminists but they actually hurt trans people all the time and raise a bunch of bullshit. PLEASE do not get them confused.
Scientists have found that being transgender is a very real phenomenon. Male brains and female brains are equal in potential, but they do operate differently and have identifiable patterns. When scanning the mind of a transgender person, if she identified as female for example, her brain followed female thought patterns even if by all appearances she looked male.
TERFs are focused just on genitals and raising a hissy fit.