Nintendo announced partnership with Rule34 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Flaccid mind you, good for him. He gotta get the ladies away from mario's shadow somehow!
They say ignorance is bliss 6 comments
Hi Stranger 11 comments
Well I am a foreveralone 22 comments
· 7 years ago
I saw the Japanese version where it was a cat that had fallen asleep... Regardless both cute af
Like what was that all about that then? 4 comments
Conan virtue signalling 25 comments
· 7 years ago
I know what it's like to live in a third world country, believe me because I am from one...and there's no judgement in my post. I was simply pointing out how your quality of life can be so different based on how much money you have. I legit never said that they live in a shit hole like bruh stop getting offended by something that's not even supposed to be offensive!
Life is good 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Is it just me who thinks the photo quality gives off a demony vibe? Like it kinda scares me to look in his eyes!
Conan virtue signalling 25 comments
· 7 years ago
Beauty of being wealthy is that one only sees the rich side of the countries...
Now that's art 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh okay thanks, I've always wondered why the statues' "ya know" is always sculptured like that size compared to their body. You've saved me the time to Google if guys in old days had small ding dings and whether or not the increased size was an evolutionary trait to increase mating opportunities...
A freak in the streets and a gentleman in the sheets 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Like I sad no hate, and I didn't take it for bragging. It's just questionable to go for 2hrs straight and not ejaculate once. But hey maybe that is possible and if so good for you... I guess... although if it's a reoccurring thing, just saying it wouldn't harm you to get it checked.
A freak in the streets and a gentleman in the sheets 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah and there was a magic elephant recording the whole thing. Psh! bruh why are you lying about such trivial thing?! It's not uncool to admit you nut... not nutting after two hours of intercourse either means you're impotent or something's wrong with your willy. Seek medical help! FYI not hating on you but just don't understand why peeps gotta make up obvious make believe stories.
Wise words 14 comments
· 7 years ago
And it's rotten flesh too so gonna stank. What idiots even come up with these stupid stories!!!
Pretty much stop living to make a living. 9 comments
Let's talk about abuse 8 comments
· 7 years ago
I wasn't finished writing and editing it but my phone slipped from my hand and posted and I forgot to sign in... Gonna be a great year.
Let's talk about abuse 8 comments
· 7 years ago
What is wrong with people! This is the beginning of the year now imagagibe what's gonna happen but the end of this year
Worst thing 3 comments
But Mom Said I'm Just Big Boned 2 comments
Check out this keyboard! 9 comments