And literally not a single f*uck was given that day 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Not a single fluck was given. Or is it 'fruck?'
The tales of soccer mom 7 comments
· 6 years ago
There's probably another field right in front of her. It's a pretty common setup.
Sprite is a colour 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Or they're Canadian, because we accept spellings both with and without a u. For some reason.
You find the kindest people online! 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Hi, female representative from the most redneck part of Canada here. I think it's a woman. For reasons I cannot fathom, some women find the concept of a man who stands up for the rights of women and marginalized groups (a 'beta liberal' as this turdnugget puts it) to be lip-curlingly disgusting, as if he is a weeny, a wimp, less of a man, etc. For RESPECTING WOMEN. I just... I can't fathom it, as I said.
Jaaa why man. :( 4 comments
· 7 years ago
It literally took until I was 21 for me to shake off that mentality... It's okay, guys. There will be a few wise (adult-ier) adults in your life who will reassure you that no one really has this life thing all figured out. You're gonna be just fine. No one else has the right to define success for you.
Lion King II 8 comments
For some reason this showed up in my Pinterest feed 16 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm.. so glad they did. I thought it was part of my general inability to human.
...He’s got a point 16 comments
15+ tweets explain why depression makes people so tired 15 comments
· 7 years ago
I should really read the rest of this before using one of my three-per-day comments but I can't wait because IT TAKES THE AVERAGE PERSON 7 MINUTES TO FALL ASLEEP???????????!!!!!!???????? IT'S TAKEN ME 30-90 MINUTES MY WHOLE LIFE I THOUGHT I ONLY STARTED BEING DEPRESSED AS A TEEN WHAT? I just. This is unbelievable. I thought taking less than 10 minutes to fall asleep was for the gifted.. :/
The f*ck did I just read? 1 comments
· 7 years ago
Well, if you were close enough to physically see her, and both of you enable your phones to know your location.. . Then that's both plausible and creepy.
How far some millenials are willing to go to save for retirement. 10 comments
· 7 years ago
I wasn't sure if they were sarcastic at first, but upon rereading it "that generation" is a dead giveaway
Sorry for bad quality(and feels) 14 comments
· 7 years ago
I think he sees his heart's desire in every new mirror until he notices the ear is missing....
Guy goes absolutely insane after being rejected by a girl he loves over text 42 comments
· 7 years ago
Thank you! That was really bothering me, especially since it said he loves her in the title.
Thank those who serve 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I do love this - but I find my learning style woefully inadequate when it comes to learning from video alone in most subjects. I really strongly benefit from the instant, specific feedback and correction a real life instructor can give you.
I realise 0% of the time!!! 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Also... *How* would you even study it? How do you measure this? Is it anecdotal? Did they walk up to people who had just left a conversation and ask them if they were flirting? So many questions.
Story of my life 22 comments
· 7 years ago
The. WORST. Usually followed by "Oh noooooo!" and sad pity looks. (For girls, at least. Idk about guys.)
Pillow for people wearing glasses 8 comments
Partners in crime. 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Agreed! My dog never came back with more than like 4 quills in her nose... what did they DO?
Outta ma zone 2 comments
· 7 years ago
"A man next to him" in a taxi... How many strangers were in a taxi with a child? Wait, are taxis used more like busses in some places? (genuine question, not sass)
Oh well 40 comments
· 7 years ago
Didn't Germany already do that? Wasn't that one of Hitler's premises? (In different words, obviously.)
Anon unintentionally weaponizes his autism 12 comments
Woah 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Interesting. Maybe it *should* be common knowledge. I know that for me (a 23yo) learning how recent this kind of history is was kind of shocking because growing up, it was always portrayed as "this bad stuff our countries used to do, back when we were too dense to realize that all humans were people." Segregation and other things were denounced as being so obviously(!) bad that it seemed impossible for such conflicting views to be prominent in the same society in such a short time span.
What Rock Lee started with 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Right?? What's worse, cleaning up your toddler or bleating your apologies to the poor employees of whatever store you shop at when one of those bursts open?
Explain this shit 5 comments
· 7 years ago
When it gets tough to tell the difference between Flat Earthers and people trolling the Flat Earthers
The cat cafe in melbourne 9 comments
Meaty stuff 5 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm with you. I came to the comments to find out what they are... and the comments did not fail me. (but my eyes did.)
So this is now a thing you know. 7 comments
· 7 years ago
A semicolon actually. A comma isn't meant to be used between two independent clauses, although people often do so. In the text "That sounds great where are we meeting," you could put a period after "That sounds great." Because it could be a period, it can't be a comma. It has to be a semicolon,
This man accidentally used his wife's menstrual cup to measure rice 25 comments
· 7 years ago
Huh. Thank you klymaxx and floridaconverse. It's neat that they hold more than tampons - maybe I'm not accurately judging the size (because of the rice grains for scale instead of a banana), but my first thought was that I'd have to empty it every hour on my heavier days. Cool!
Winter is coming 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Me: *trips while wearing these* *slides 80 feet down a hill before recovering*
Existential crisis 6 comments
· 7 years ago
It kind of looks like the offspring of a hedgehog, if the hedgehog had mated with a rat.
This man accidentally used his wife's menstrual cup to measure rice 25 comments
· 7 years ago
So its function is to catch the blood... how well does it work? Do you just pour out the blood every now and then, as opposed to changing pads/tampons when you need to?
This pillow makes me slightly uncomfortable 7 comments
Did he do the right thing? 40 comments
· 7 years ago
:( I'm sorry that your once-friend is a selfish idiot. And that it cost you your cat - if that had happened with my dog I'd never have spoken to that person again. What makes my blood boil is that people who pull that kind of stunt tend never to admit they did anything wrong...