Something I'd pay to watch 6 comments
· 6 years ago
This woman is the former wife of Claudio Fragasso, the director and writer of cult hit Troll II, the best worst movie in the world. You should watch it, then watch Best Worst Movie, a documentary about Troll II made by one of the actors 20 years later. Masterpieces.
No more "tofu steak" and "bacon flavored" herbs 3 comments
· 6 years ago
This amendment has been strongly pushed by a member of the Parliament who also happens to be a cattle breeder. What an incredible coincidence.
One of his main points is: "We want to protect the consumer, for instance against so-called steaks that are part soy proteins and part actual meat, sold at the same price but way cheaper to produce." However, these are already referred to as "hamburgers" and not "steaks" in our shops, and they are waaaay cheaper to buy. This is a blatant lie, sir. You just do not want vegetarian products to stand next to animal products in supermarkets because you are afraid meat consumption in France may be impacted.
One of his main points is: "We want to protect the consumer, for instance against so-called steaks that are part soy proteins and part actual meat, sold at the same price but way cheaper to produce." However, these are already referred to as "hamburgers" and not "steaks" in our shops, and they are waaaay cheaper to buy. This is a blatant lie, sir. You just do not want vegetarian products to stand next to animal products in supermarkets because you are afraid meat consumption in France may be impacted.
Who even likes sparkling 11 comments
This is bravery 9 comments
Read it 3 comments
You could have lived to 300 years old 9 comments
· 6 years ago
If the person who wrote this is (why not?) 50 years old, that means this person ate an average of 930 pieces of bacon a day. That's at least 16 kgs (35 pounds) or more. All I'm trying to say is: A lot of pig ghosts will welcome you in Hell, f*cker.
Chicken stock 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Somebody who has done this, please know that a lot of people wish you were already burning in Hell.
Mmm! My favorite! 4 comments
There still together 4 comments
· 7 years ago
I love (and kind of despise at the same time) how we collectively think of hippies only in terms of "free love" and "taking drugs". This was about unconditional love, respect and hope, in times of war and disillusion. No wonder these two are still together, IMO.
Good guy Romania 8 comments
· 7 years ago
It was in June 2017, and it was a great decision.
I live in France, and we will not see anything like this soon... Corrida is still legal in the South of France (if you don't know it, corrida is basically torturing and killing a bull in an arena, in front of an audience... don't Google Image search it, please).
I live in France, and we will not see anything like this soon... Corrida is still legal in the South of France (if you don't know it, corrida is basically torturing and killing a bull in an arena, in front of an audience... don't Google Image search it, please).
Yo, listen up! Here's the story. About a little guy that lives in a blue world 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Please don't mix our terrible memories of Crazy Frog with our terrible memories of Eiffel 65. Please.
Do we really exist ??? 6 comments
· 7 years ago
One of the "basic" principles of thermodynamics is that, for gases, there is a direct link between temperature and velocity. Namely, if the pressure remains constant, temperature and velocity are inversely proportional: if you reduce the velocity, temperature raises; if you increase the velocity, temperature drops. When your mouth is fully opened, air comes out slower, so it is hotter ; when you "fffuuuuu", air comes out faster, so it is colder. There are other applications of the Venturi effect, including circumstances where the "constant pressure" approximation is not valid anymore.
Do we really exist ??? 6 comments
· 7 years ago
There's actually a pretty simple explanation to this weird stuff: the Venturi effect :)
Albert einstein was actually right 8 comments
The ultimate life hacks compilation 4 comments
Dating is hard 7 comments
· 7 years ago
That was a great line! If she didn't even smile at this one, she was not the one for you.
Fascinating facts very few people know 8 comments
· 7 years ago
I have been told that this sometimes happens, but I'm still amazed: 100% of the facts here are legitimately true and verifiable. For one, I knew that Norway produced most of its electricity from hydroelectric plants, but that 94% figure is true, which blows my mind.
Roommate Just Asked “What’s So Funny” 5 comments
Lucky shower head 8 comments
Sushi pizza 9 comments
· 7 years ago
There still is this old belief that mixing two good things WILL result in something great, like pizza fries or zombie comedies or electronic rock. But 99% of the time, it fails miserably.
The most dramatic prom date 8 comments
· 7 years ago
First, how much did it cost? It seems a bit too much for a freaking prom.
And second... is it kind of grim, or is it just me?
And second... is it kind of grim, or is it just me?
Ugly people have talent too 15 comments
· 7 years ago
First, ugly people are still allowed to make music.
Second, more and more people actually have the means to produce music at home, without any producer's influence.
Third, hmm... Lemmy Kilmister from Motorhead? Wasn't he a freaking ugly son of a bitch? Or Nickelback's frontman Chad Kroeger? Die Antwoord?
Second, more and more people actually have the means to produce music at home, without any producer's influence.
Third, hmm... Lemmy Kilmister from Motorhead? Wasn't he a freaking ugly son of a bitch? Or Nickelback's frontman Chad Kroeger? Die Antwoord?
I wanna be a dwarf alien. 4 comments
· 7 years ago
"Interviewer: So, what is the last movie you--
Me: Saw.
Interviewer, starting to run away: OH SHIT!"
Me: Saw.
Interviewer, starting to run away: OH SHIT!"
That's a big space 1 comments
when you just need that SMALL snack.. 7 comments
The benefit of being a girl 22 comments
· 7 years ago
Nice choice of words and photos, disinformation at its finest. Twitch is actually offering small grants to female streamers, especially the one who are still students, so that they can invest in cameras, go to conventions, and so on. Because they wish Twitch and other videogame-related platforms stopped being so predominantly male and misogynistic to the point where this kind of dumb male-manufactured bullshit is spread all over the place without anyone remotely doubting it and searching for fucking sources. (And, just to be clear: I'm a male. I'm just pissed off. Twitch tries to make a male-dominated place a better place for women, and some dumb fucks just do THIS, and everybody goes with the flow. Seriously. Also, fuck that other guest and his "cam whore" lame excuse of a joke.)
Never stop learning! 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Whomever? Actually, you HAVE to use "whoever" in that sentence.
...wait, "whomever(s)"? The person who wrote this clearly has a fedora where his brain should be.
...wait, "whomever(s)"? The person who wrote this clearly has a fedora where his brain should be.
cuddle with mommy 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I love how we have been downvoted to Hell for stating that otters are still cute. Ted Bundy was a handsome young man, which does not mean he was not one of the most frightening serial killers of the twentieth century. Same here. Also applies to dolphins.
The First Image Ever of a Hydrogen Atom's Orbital Structure....... SCIENCE 1 comments
· 7 years ago
It was actually published in May 2013. A Google search for "atom photograph" gives even more amazing stuff. SCIENCE!
facepalm 19 comments
· 7 years ago
Potatoes have more chromosomes than humans, hence the Internet comparing trisomic people with potatoes.
I want to look like her 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Well, I have only dated Caucasian women in my entire life, but sometimes, it was not my decision.
Looks like a vampire 7 comments
Be fun to watch though 3 comments
· 7 years ago
And OF COURSE, he/she had to tag both brands to give them ideas. That's irresponsible.
Also made thanks to Deep Dream, this incredible music video: