Its a river! 6 comments
· 6 years ago
What else could it be?!?
Dang cyclists 6 comments
There's Something About Backpacking 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Yes. You are the only one. Noone else in the world likes backpacking. You are indeed special.
Tentacles? A little evil... gross... em... 6 comments
More companies need to do this 8 comments
How did c*ckroach get it's name 5 comments
· 6 years ago
How do you know for sure that the Spanish didn't 'assimilate' (not the right term BTW) the word cucaracha from the English word for cockroach?
This guy has his very own parking space 4 comments
boob 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Shouldn't it be shifted down the alphabet? Shifted up the alphabet would give you ZMMZ.
When you leave Iran 21 comments
Harold is a smart man 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I'm clearly a little brain dead right now, but I don't get it...what does the 'this is August' part mean and how does that prove she's not alive?
A naked owl looks very strange 3 comments
Ain't this the truth 5 comments
Quora b*tches 9 comments
· 7 years ago
How could he be 16 if he was born in 2003? Or does the 2003 to present refer to something else?!?
Looks like the average constipated mexican 7 comments
2,000-year-old stone dwelling 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Those are tombs, not dwellings. The little staircase-looking things at the top are for the souls to climb to heaven. I saw them all over Jordan.
Extract salt from the haters 13 comments
How awkward can it get? Share yours! 44 comments
and the nobel prize goes to... 7 comments