
No one controls you 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
(Different guest here) yeah and why are you assuming it takes an ego trip to discount all of the religious beliefs and possibilities we know of? The post doesn’t say they think the can definitively say that there is or isn’t a god, they just said they use the term atheism for themselves because they don’t have a NEED to believe in a god—it’s not important to them/they think there are better things we could devote our thought and time to—and therefore they don’t believe in a god. Some people use atheism to say there is no god (which I believe is a little over eager and impossibly definitive), and some use it like the person in the post here. Like me, personally, I’m agnostic (not claiming there is or isn’t a god/higher power, I think this could be a better label for the OP), because I’m not comfortable with religion, and I personally don’t need it or want it to feel happy and like I have a direction/purpose etc. Not an ego trip.
Baby quail 51 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Albeit I agree, I definitely could’ve sounded more composed in my original comment and that’s on me
Baby quail 51 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Oh trust me, I agree it’s unavoidable, I’m just saying it’s not a good thing and I don’t support talking about something like that in such a way. People like to say things like that online and I can only hope they’d never repeat those things to someone irl who would genuinely be hurt by that. And when someone gets to the point where they are OD’ing, they’re far gone. Decisions like that aren’t made willingly the same way a sober person makes when they have no addiction problems or other forms of mental instability. It’s not that I can’t handle what the original comment said, I just think it’d be wrong to let the many kids and younger teens on this website think it’s acceptable to say things about that, and that can carry into how they talk irl.
Kanye respec whamen 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
He’s actually such a good dad and it’s so cuuute
Baby quail 51 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You know, she’s a real person actually struggling with and confronting addiction. You would never make a remark like this to the face of someone who’s going through those low lows and has recently been hospitalized after being left for dead by their “friends”. Have some humanity, and grow up.
Pure love 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Sally’s mom has got it goin on
Anime tho 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Asian countries’ societies (eastern at least) can often be very racist (calling people of darker skin dirty, heavy job descrimination). I know South Korea is that way
A hardworking German at a coal mine (1932) 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Look at him. Minin’ his own business
The next episode 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Baby blue, hot pink, and hot baby
A praying mantis (hymenaea protera) trapped in amber. Approximately 12 million years old 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
“Y’all mind if I praise god, real quick?”
Dogs don't need vest 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
How would your dog be running the risk of overheating if they’re actively swimming?
Bulbasaur 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Gudetama I think
Look at me 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
He’s....a soccer (football) player....he’s perfectly fine focusing on legs, and his proportions certainly aren’t terrible. They make sense
Got robbed 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Who even says that
The wedding I care about 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Game of Thrones cast members who were lovers in the show are getting married.
Those days 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Ah, JNKO jeans
God dammit man 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Too soon
Seizure warning in Incredibles 2! 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Also: I can’t believe they didn’t have a seizure warning in theater. What the hell disney
Seizure warning in Incredibles 2! 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yeah seriously, spread the word on this, my parents and I saw it last night and I felt bad because my mom has chronic migraines she gets lots of treatment for and it gave my dad one too :(
Atlantis Kida Cosplay by Maria Fernanda Galvao 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
All of her cosplays are so good, but obviously she’s also built like a goddess so
Bullet dodged! 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Agreed. As a girl, I also just have them just in case.
This but a scratch 22 comments
guest · 6 years ago
We’re not talking about the personality of the car and how it makes you feel here, we’re just stating that cars that crumple are literally designed for safety in a way older cars could not be. If you wanna have a car that you connect with but is much less safe, then go right ahead, I hope a cool car is worth your life.
Best engagement photo 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
A lot of times, at least from what I can tell, it’s more just about it being an interchangeable accessory. Not necessarily shame or per say wanting to hide it, just a cool thing you can do if you prefer the benefits of less upkeep
All the grown ups 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If I hear one screaming or crying kid, I will riot lol
Finger rolex 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
My mom had a watch ring in the nineties. In high school, she used it to reflect light onto her teachers butt, lol
Lobsters 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Ooooo he’s cute
New beauty stnadard 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I feel like she’s probably wearing shorts or something that would make her look a little more human lol but the angle gave her a 2 inch torso
Still 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Elvira’s character (and her) is so beautiful ;—;
Spanish people 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Am I the only one who’s never had the “everyone looks the same” problem??? Maybe it’s just my OCD but I notice all the little indiscrepancies
All I'm saying 28 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Never do this with new clothing, but I have plenty of clothes I’ve been washing for years, so there’s no color leakage when I wash a bunch of stuff together.
And that's offensive 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Aaaaand why are there two comments like this on this post that have completely missed the humor or chosen not to acknowledge it? Lol
That's nuts! 60 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Sero....I don’t know why someone who wants to forcibly touch and have intercourse children, toddlers, and babies should be shown mercy of any sort. It seems as though you have no emotionally or morally deep understanding of this situation, it’s quite odd and a little shocking, actually. This man who probably feels like he failed as a father, and the obvious feelings of pure rage for the disgusting actions and mental instability of the assailant, absolutely deserves to serve his own justice, and if you think the CHILD RAPIST deserves ANY justice, that’s pretty low.
That's nuts! 60 comments
guest · 6 years ago
For raping a three year old? Who is his daughter nonetheless? I don’t think so.
Someone's about to get f**ked 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
R U N 33 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Say amen 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The stability in his voice while doing all the theatrics and just general movement is so impressive. He has amazing range and technique, I can only dream of singing like Brendon Urie T-T
Daaamn.... 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Oof the rock is such a man, I’m jealous of his wife!!
I think they're lovely 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I would love all of those??? Loll
Harts life 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The left hahaha but him and his brother are so similar wtf
Expectations 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Bucky with no arm makes me uncomfortable
VENOM!!!!!!! 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Agreed. Like.....starfire is a red head......
Dragon food 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
My mall near me does the same thing but it’s like ice cream type stuff in liquid nitrogen :D
Somebody call 911 on her 22 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Why get that job if you don’t want it wtf????
Somebody call 911 on her 22 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Why does the color of her skin even matter?? Can she JUST be a crazy person and human without bringing racial comments into it? Jesus Christ.
Adorable students reacting to a gorgeous teacher 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yooooo that dude is gorgeous
The Rock is everywhere 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
He’s such a nice guy!! Love him
He couldn't be more right than that 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I mean he’s still a person, and he does advocate for animal rights.
I shouted "Gay", thinking "great" and "yay" 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Impossible 37 comments
guest · 6 years ago
People love to comment “I don’t know what this is” or “what is this?”, and I would like to remind those people that you’re already on the internet. Just google it XD
Impossible 37 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Have you been living under a rock for the past few weeks? Lol
But serious answer (if you didn’t take a second to google it), it’s an online console/PC game in which you try to build forts, collect ammo, health stuff, and weapons to kill everyone else on an island before the “storm” closes in. The storm is basically a dome, and it shrinks as the game goes on. It’s been very popular