
It really does 34 comments
guest · 7 years ago
He make poision candy for kids.. Look at his face how he look at this kid that just come in the candy shop-toy shop ..
He have knifes and scissors next to kinfes in the drawer.. He give a poisoned candy to that kids to lure them.. After they eat like a kid that lays on the floor behind the dealer they drop dead.. He use knifes and scissors to clean them of organs and put that kids in the jars..
He probably make a toys and marionette from them..but not to sell but for his own collection.. Like in the movie Dead Silence ..
This is scene when one kid come in the moment after one of the victims fell down dealer didnt pick it up yet.. So he open the drawer to prepair himself for fast act and use poision to finish incoming kid before he see this dead body on the floor..
Thats it..