Unload the gun rather than wear bulletproof vest 53 comments
· 6 years ago
It's the reason why women are the ones who birth control is developed for (the hormonal and implantable options, not just prophylactics and surgical options that are available for both men and women) is that the state of being pregnant is more dangerous than the risks and side effects of those birth control options.
While the prevention of STDs and/or preventing pregnancy in a sexual partner is the goal of the options for men they aren't going to develop something with risks of blood clots, heart attacks, stroke, liver tumors, depression, blood pressure irregularities, headaches, and oral health risks for those not physically able to get pregnant themselves and therefore not having the life threatening risk of pregnancy complications.
While the prevention of STDs and/or preventing pregnancy in a sexual partner is the goal of the options for men they aren't going to develop something with risks of blood clots, heart attacks, stroke, liver tumors, depression, blood pressure irregularities, headaches, and oral health risks for those not physically able to get pregnant themselves and therefore not having the life threatening risk of pregnancy complications.
Little girl on an emotional roller-coaster at an NHL game last night will melt your heart 4 comments
· 6 years ago
It looks like they're there together, so it's likely the parent saw and knew but figured (correctly) that if he handed off the puck to the boys the player would keep trying to get one to the girl, so if the first went to the girl as the player intended they would have ended up with just the one.
Is there anything to do in Greenland? 8 comments
No burn ointment for you then 13 comments
· 6 years ago
There are genuinely people who cannot get them due to compromised immune systems, egg allergies on the ones that can only be grown in eggs, and some people have sensitivities to them (had a coworker who had gotten sick after a vaccination in the past but not all vaccinations, then had the flu shot and got very very sick, developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, got walking pneumonia, severe kidney swelling, etc. I had a flu shot from the same batch/provider/etc. 15 minutes earlier and zero wrong with me or anyone else at work, but she was in and out of the hospital for months.) Those who can and do get the vaccines help provide a herd immunity for those who can't get them. There is currently an issue where there are people immigrating w/o standard vaccination scheduled vaccines (MMR, Dtap, and the like) and there are now resurgences in areas of high concentrations of those unvaccinated populations. Herd immunity doesn't work unless ~90% of the 'herd'/population has the vaccine/immunity.
It's expensive to be poor 10 comments
· 6 years ago
While I'll agree with most, the housing is not always true. House values don't always go up and there are many fees associated with home ownership (insurance, taxes, HOA fees, maintenance, appliance repair/replacement, etc.) & tend to be outside of bus lines and things that make commuting without cars easier. W/ an apartment you don't have to worry about selling the house if you need to move locations. Yes houses can increase in value but that value can be wiped out due to a housing crashes, particular employers moving/going out of business, natural disasters, etc. and where you'd not be walking away w/o debt if you were a homeowner, if you were a renter it's a whole lot easier to get back to where you were. In West Virginia/Appalachia areas the coal industry collapsed, those well paying jobs are never coming back, everything else is moving/shutting down, houses are plummeting in price. If you still owed on a home it'll be a lot harder for you to move than a renter. Ditto for Detroit.
Who doesn't like burger anyways 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Delicious yes (and as others have pointed out - expensive). Low in sugar and calories, no. Grapes and pineapple especially (also pears , bananas, and apples) are high in sugar. Not as much as candy which is usually close to pure sugar, but fruit is usually a tiny bit of fiber, a large amount of water, and decent amount of sugar. It's the same thing where people don't consider the natural sugars in unsweetened milk. In moderation it's healthy and has good vitamins and protein, but it isn't calorie/sugar free.
Not the story we deserve, but the story we need 9 comments
· 6 years ago
"Miami Beach police say 46-year-old Jonathan Crenshaw held a pair of scissors with his feet and stabbed 22-year-old Cesar Coronado just after midnight Tuesday. Crenshaw is well-known in Miami Beach as a street artist who uses his feet to paint, according to local media. Crenshaw claimed he acted in self-defense after Coronado punched him in the head, the Herald reports. Coronado, a tourist visiting from Chicago, and a friend told police that Coronado had only asked for directions before the alleged attack, The publication has profiled Crenshaw in the past and found he has had multiple run-ins with police and other officials, including violent crime charges."
Makes you think 15 comments
· 6 years ago
If all or half the people who use childcare just quit to stay home our economy and services would be terrible (doctors, teachers, directors, project managers, all the way down to standard hourly wage workers). There are numerous studies about how child care strengthens the economy, and for low income families they often provide essential meals (some daycares provide multiple meals so it could be the only assured meals some kids get) just like the free and reduced price meals at standard K-12 schools provide.
Blanket statements insinuating parents who use childcare don't see their kids are ignorant.
Just because you chose to live "just above the poverty line & my wife doesn't work" doesn't mean others are wrong in their decision to not live that way. People work, their earnings are taxed, that tax money goes to provide services that everyone uses, even you.
If you were hurt/killed how would your wife support you/herself? Some of us plan for contingencies mere budgeting cant solve.
Blanket statements insinuating parents who use childcare don't see their kids are ignorant.
Just because you chose to live "just above the poverty line & my wife doesn't work" doesn't mean others are wrong in their decision to not live that way. People work, their earnings are taxed, that tax money goes to provide services that everyone uses, even you.
If you were hurt/killed how would your wife support you/herself? Some of us plan for contingencies mere budgeting cant solve.
Makes you think 15 comments
· 6 years ago
It also is the catch where if you take five years off of work to take care of your child then you cannot get back into a job at the level you were when you left (possibly happens for a few, but for most you're SOL). Employers want (rightfully) current skills and can't hold a job for you for extended absences. My husband and I love both our children but they were in that infant daycare room at a cost higher than our mortgage, to keep them happy, socialized, and taken care of while we earn the money to ensure they have everything they need now, so we can provide them opportunities in the future, and so that we can retire without needing their support. They love/loved their daycare, they are & know they are loved at home. Some people do really great staying at home with their kids, but it's not feasible for most, & unlike some places where the parents offload their kids onto other kids or grandparents as free childcare, it's not an option, nor the best option, for all.
Baby shark! 8 comments
· 6 years ago
They have much smaller baby sharks often pulled up by fishers on the pier at Myrtle Beach, they're like drumstick sized and still perfect replicas of "big scary sharks" but are so stinkin' cute as they sort of squiggle before getting tossed back into the water, you are just so tempted to tap them on their little snoot but those teeth are no joke.
Now I'm craving cookie dough 1 comments
· 6 years ago
The salmonella in those is usually from the raw wheat rather than the raw eggs, put the flour on a cookie sheet and toast it in the oven to cook it then mix and eat your delicious raw pastry batter (if you want to be extra safe use the pasteurized eggs [usually sold in a carton in the egg section] then mix and consume) without feeling the need to unnecessarily waiting/baking.
Car safety device 1939 8 comments
At least do it right 5 comments
· 6 years ago
The risk in the raw cookie dough is usually greater from the raw wheat rather than the raw egg.
Simply perfect 2 comments
· 6 years ago
All I really wanna know, is if you're ever gonna show, cause now we're moving to slow, If you want to go to go
Do they not do this anymore? 56 comments
· 6 years ago
They still have them, they just cost ~$250 for approximately 15 kids. Just like Chic Fil A. But that's the price of most other kids birthday places so it's less worth it.
Game changer 7 comments
· 6 years ago
They have to be slurpee/icee type if it's an actual slushie (liquid with ice/snowcone rather than sort of smushed & whipped popsicle in texture) it's asking for horrible sticky spills all over you/your car. If it is the correct texture then you put the dome lid on, put that near the nozzle and fill it up to the top, tap the bottom on the counter to get out any big air bubbles/settle the slurpee, then fill the last little bit more.
Everyone has different experiences, I've never seen anyone put the lid on second, including concession stand people at movies where they sell icees.
Xandri below is correct in that if you do it this way it will go everywhere while driving.
Everyone has different experiences, I've never seen anyone put the lid on second, including concession stand people at movies where they sell icees.
Xandri below is correct in that if you do it this way it will go everywhere while driving.
How was I supposed to know? 20 comments
How was I supposed to know? 20 comments
· 6 years ago
It's not always unbelievable, it just depends on what bar he/she was at.
A similar thing happened to one of my husband's coworkers a couple weekends ago, they were all at a local government and tech professionals conference, after all the sessions of the day they were in a bar, the coworker isn't into women but was chatting just like they all were, not intentionally flirting with the woman, just killing time talking, a couple hours go by and she asked if he wanted to go and the "expectations", at which point he politely gave the valid "Thanks but I'm gay" sort of line and she was offended asking why he was wasting her time. The other coworkers ribbed him a bit. Escorts are not uncommon, and honestly they tend to hang out where people with disposable income and likely lack of partners are, especially conferences/convention centers or $$$ areas, and they look/dress/flirt/act like someone you'd be interested in.
A similar thing happened to one of my husband's coworkers a couple weekends ago, they were all at a local government and tech professionals conference, after all the sessions of the day they were in a bar, the coworker isn't into women but was chatting just like they all were, not intentionally flirting with the woman, just killing time talking, a couple hours go by and she asked if he wanted to go and the "expectations", at which point he politely gave the valid "Thanks but I'm gay" sort of line and she was offended asking why he was wasting her time. The other coworkers ribbed him a bit. Escorts are not uncommon, and honestly they tend to hang out where people with disposable income and likely lack of partners are, especially conferences/convention centers or $$$ areas, and they look/dress/flirt/act like someone you'd be interested in.
Homemade pink and green flame throwers 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Please note the respirator this guy is wearing - before you try to figure this out for yourself, remember to protect yourself enough not to breathe in toxic fumes!
Leave your prejudice at the sink and scrub up 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Do no harm means you get over yourself and help your patient, unless of course you want to lose your job, license, and possibly be brought up on charges.
But..But I read the manual 6 comments
Tom Holland is Hades 24 comments
Thank the honey biscuits 5 comments
· 6 years ago
They're keeping the child in the safest place at the moment. The detachable car seat carriers are heavy with any sized child after extended lengths, and by leaving the carrier on the ground it lets the child not get jostled as they have to move and fill out paperwork. They're probably waiting on a patrol car with a carseat/matching base (the part the child is in needs the base to secure into a car).
Bah humbug 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Sharing isn't the correct word. Giving or donating would be closer, but sharing is not.
This made me smile 13 comments
· 6 years ago
McDonalds' usually have their braille menu, have had them for many years.
Braille menus are expensive to make (plastic, metal, anything other than paper), or print (paper). Honestly many restaurants offer their menus online and a refreshabraille or screen reader or text to speech app would allow them to have a readable menu without the expense of changing it each time an item was added/removed.
Braille menus are expensive to make (plastic, metal, anything other than paper), or print (paper). Honestly many restaurants offer their menus online and a refreshabraille or screen reader or text to speech app would allow them to have a readable menu without the expense of changing it each time an item was added/removed.
Tasty drinks 4 comments
· 6 years ago
The smore's one is missing the chocolate syrup as an ingredient. I'm sure ice cream, milk, graham crackers, and mini marshmallows would be ok, but chocolate is key.
Santa wrapped them 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Superman did not have all those powers when he was a child, they came at various times from infancy through adulthood. If I remember correctly, first it was invulnerability (I seem to remember the Kent's trying to cut his hair and failing), then strength as a young child (maybe still believe in Santa age), then it was x-ray vision (past Santa age), then I want to say speed but could be remembering incorrectly, then flight, and then I guess frost breath because I don't remember that being addressed specifically.
Why did you even ask for a resume? 5 comments
· 6 years ago
I've run into attempts where they "try" to do that and it takes longer to fix their poor formatting import than it would be to just copy paste it in blank. Was super disappointed.
They don't look at the resume until later in the process, they need things entered in so that the HR person who knows nothing about what they're trying to hire can search for exact keywords (so if your resume says "Edited videos for XXXX" and they're searching for "Video Editing" then you're out of luck.) It is as simple as an idiot searching most of the time. That's why when you (supposedly) update your resume for every application you go to the job posting and copy exactly how they state it and rework your relevant skills to match those keywords. It is stupid, and frustrating, and the people who could look at your resume and go "This person is perfect!" don't get a chance to see the initial applicants, only the ones that HR passes on to them unless you're a really small business.
They don't look at the resume until later in the process, they need things entered in so that the HR person who knows nothing about what they're trying to hire can search for exact keywords (so if your resume says "Edited videos for XXXX" and they're searching for "Video Editing" then you're out of luck.) It is as simple as an idiot searching most of the time. That's why when you (supposedly) update your resume for every application you go to the job posting and copy exactly how they state it and rework your relevant skills to match those keywords. It is stupid, and frustrating, and the people who could look at your resume and go "This person is perfect!" don't get a chance to see the initial applicants, only the ones that HR passes on to them unless you're a really small business.
How do you pronounce it 5 comments
· 6 years ago
You can always go the subbed Sailor Moon style "Err[like you're making the questioning noise] an us"
I don't know 2 comments
· 6 years ago
When it is very hard to tell the difference, you can tell them they're equal (or equally bad), it does help to focus on just one particular letter (I find the O's are the easiest because one will usually look a little taller and the other number a little wider; also things like T's for the edges, which is clearer).
Woah 7 comments
· 6 years ago
They use pears because they're cheap, sweet, and mild flavored - you can cover up the flavor of pear without a lot of work, and it's solid instead of just being corn syrups (HFCS and standard CS). It has nothing to do with the flavor of pear being anywhere remotely close to natural or artificial strawberry.
Why I use subtitles 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Definitely need to add "Because I want to see what the script said vs what the actor(s) did" because sometimes it makes a big difference.
I think keyboards have ruined me 2 comments
· 6 years ago
To be fair, penmanship was stressed for prior generations, as computers entered school, and timelines got condensed (compare Kindergarten even 10 years ago to now) kids are expected to know more, and do things like scantrons, not essay write. They are either not taught cursive or it's covered quickly.
When I was younger and had to hand write sooooooooo much my handwriting was better than it is today where the only thing I hand write is quick post it notes or entries on calendars, or showing my kids what to do. I haven't forgotten how to do it, I just don't waste time being neat (except for showing my kids, then I'm precision).
Sit down and practice how you want to do your signature for 5 minutes a day for a couple weeks and you'll improve, "designing" a signature rather than simple cursive writing of your name is the hardest part.
When I was younger and had to hand write sooooooooo much my handwriting was better than it is today where the only thing I hand write is quick post it notes or entries on calendars, or showing my kids what to do. I haven't forgotten how to do it, I just don't waste time being neat (except for showing my kids, then I'm precision).
Sit down and practice how you want to do your signature for 5 minutes a day for a couple weeks and you'll improve, "designing" a signature rather than simple cursive writing of your name is the hardest part.
Plant fruit trees everywhere 13 comments
· 6 years ago
In addition to the points of the other guest, active fruiting trees are messy. The fruits that aren't easily reachable or the ones that fall and rot, or the ones that wildlife decides to take a few bites of so they rot on the tree before falling to the ground make a mess under and around the tree. If it's one or two trees, most are not self pollinating, so you'd have a very limited number of fruits available during a very specific time of year, if it's multiple types, it would still be staggered availability, messy, and even if intended for the homeless there would be the people saying "this is my tax money" and gleaning the fruits, additionally kids are assholes and would play around destroying the trees and chucking underripe fruit at each other for the hell of it, ruining the "harvestability".
DC’s only response to Infinity War being the greatest crossover of all time 16 comments
· 6 years ago
It's Wonder Woman, Aquaman (also plays Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones) and Daenerys Targaryen (also Game of Thrones, characters were spouses)
Below the surface of the Earth 7 comments
Below the surface of the Earth 7 comments
· 6 years ago
In case you don't want to zoom in: "Stop. Prevent Your Death! Go No Farther. Fact: More than 300 divers, including open water suba instructors, have died in caves just like this one. Fact: You needed training to dive. You need cave training and cave equipment to cave-dive. Fact: Without cave training and cave equipment divers can die here. Fact: It CAN happen to YOU! There's nothing in this cave worth dying for! Do not go beyond this point."
Maybe a kind of berry-taste...? 20 comments
· 7 years ago
Or old timey medicines that were mostly alcohol. Wheat can be used to make (alone or in part of) various alcohols (Vodka, Whiskey, Gin, Schnapps, Baijiu, various sweet liqueurs), and flowers are used in others (Vermouth, Gin, Creme de Violette, Rose Liquors, Hibiscus liqueurs, Elderflower liquer). So the Skyrim one, depending on ratios would probably just taste like you're pounding back some sweet floral hard liquor.
Mum aint having none of your **** 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Minimum wage is meant for one individual to be able to support themselves and live in ways that most people don't think of as an option. It's not there to support comfortable AC/heat in Summer/Winter just not heat stroke/freezing. It's not there to support your "need" for pets. It's not there to support TV/internet/cellphone/cable/new cars/more than basic clothing, possibly shared renting of an apartment, public transportation to that job, basic food. It's there to make sure you can survive, not to make sure you can be happy. Social programs keep extending what is "necessary" and many people think they have to have things that they really don't.
Freedom? 15 comments
· 7 years ago
A lot of people want a bit of their own nature, be it for gardens, pets, or just to have their own backyard they can sprawl out on a nice day without having to trek to a park.
Apartment life doesn't offer that, the small, formerly starter home, houses in most major cities costs exponentially more than these suburban homes, these are a nice in between. They give those who want to have a family a place that they can make friends, and have kids for theirs to play with and typically have better school options.
If you know you're wanting to stick in an area, it's not impractical to look at what's available. Commutes aren't always long, and mass transit is not always faster.
There are older neighborhoods and newer ones. Mixes of amenities, and different feels to different communities.
The worst part of them are the HOAs that are seemingly in every new community.
Apartment life doesn't offer that, the small, formerly starter home, houses in most major cities costs exponentially more than these suburban homes, these are a nice in between. They give those who want to have a family a place that they can make friends, and have kids for theirs to play with and typically have better school options.
If you know you're wanting to stick in an area, it's not impractical to look at what's available. Commutes aren't always long, and mass transit is not always faster.
There are older neighborhoods and newer ones. Mixes of amenities, and different feels to different communities.
The worst part of them are the HOAs that are seemingly in every new community.
Tipping people 28 comments
· 7 years ago
Chicken_nugget - they make minimum wage.
There are some states where the employers are required to pay the full state minimum wage before tips, there are some states that require the Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act minimum cash wage before tips ($2.13/hr), and there are some that require a minimum wage above the ($2.13/hr) before tips.
*ALL* states require that the employees earn at least minimum wage after tips. and $5.12 is the maximum tips/hr that can be counted against that.
You're a server work 5 hours, have one hour with $100 in tips, and four hours with no customers and no tips = over minimum wage for the shift, no extra pay from employer; you work 5 hours no customers no tips = employer is required to bring you up to minimum wage not just the $10.65 in minimum cash wage for those hours.
There are some states where the employers are required to pay the full state minimum wage before tips, there are some states that require the Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act minimum cash wage before tips ($2.13/hr), and there are some that require a minimum wage above the ($2.13/hr) before tips.
*ALL* states require that the employees earn at least minimum wage after tips. and $5.12 is the maximum tips/hr that can be counted against that.
You're a server work 5 hours, have one hour with $100 in tips, and four hours with no customers and no tips = over minimum wage for the shift, no extra pay from employer; you work 5 hours no customers no tips = employer is required to bring you up to minimum wage not just the $10.65 in minimum cash wage for those hours.
Tipping people 28 comments
· 7 years ago
Where you work really impacts the tips you get. Some people get high and mighty assuming every single server should get a high percentage tip no matter the restaurant, no matter the service. If it's a buffet, you tip lower but you do still tip if they're refilling your drinks and taking plates away, if it's terrible you don't tip well, if you're ordering mixed alcoholic drinks at a place with a bar you tip extra so the server isn't paying out the tip on money they didn't get. But at the end of the day the people whining over and over that they've got it so rough, they are guaranteed the equivalent of minimum wage for the duration of their shift, that means if they have two amazing hours and the overall total divides out to minimum wage then they don't get extra for the terrible hours, but if they have a full shift with no customers they don't earn $2-3/hr, they get minimum wage. If you want to earn more, find a way to get a job at a more expensive/better clientele restaurant.
Traitor 1 comments
· 7 years ago
If he actually works for Pepsi, and that's not just an old shirt or giveaway, that (buying/consuming a competitor's product in public) could get him fired. Had a teammate in soccer whose dad worked for Pepsi, (both her parents were at every game, he took her to practice) even if they were part of the snacks some parents brought she could not drink Coke because he could lose his job for his that. Yes he got lots of free Pepsi products but it sucked for her. Same for people who are Coca-cola employees, assume it's the same for outside of beverages for the non-fast-food jobs (so like Hershey vs Mars, Frito Lay vs some other chip brand but they're owned by Pepsi so maybe they have the soda restriction too).
Love this art 18 comments
· 7 years ago
If you really want to know, a Google image search of it comes up with Alim Smith, "Painter Alim Smith Celebrates Classic Black Twitter Memes with Afro-Surrealist Art"
Since everyone wants to know 21 comments
· 7 years ago
It is a fun show except they're always *always* shoving their political views in there. It's one of those shows where if you have an issue with the views they hold you won't be watching it, you don't need to be convinced that the hardships they face is bad over and over and over again.
Great, the dad calls Nomi his daughter for the first time, whatevs, let's get some more Sun and Wolfgang screentime.
*Another* orgy of the sensate? How about some more plot!
Ok, Lito and Co. are being blacklisted, fine, spend a couple minutes to express it, not massive blocks of screentime, you're an expensive show that was told you need to cut down the costs, let's move this plot forward. Did they do some of that push forward? Yeah, but it was very rushed at the end. It lucked out and is getting a final episode to wrap things up, but they were going like if they made everything the biggest political statement 'how could Netflix not renew them.'
Great, the dad calls Nomi his daughter for the first time, whatevs, let's get some more Sun and Wolfgang screentime.
*Another* orgy of the sensate? How about some more plot!
Ok, Lito and Co. are being blacklisted, fine, spend a couple minutes to express it, not massive blocks of screentime, you're an expensive show that was told you need to cut down the costs, let's move this plot forward. Did they do some of that push forward? Yeah, but it was very rushed at the end. It lucked out and is getting a final episode to wrap things up, but they were going like if they made everything the biggest political statement 'how could Netflix not renew them.'
Fail 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Only watched it once, but if I remember correctly wasn't it not the birth itself but the broken heart? Like something was happening, her vitals were dropping for an unexplained reason, I seem to remember an alien midwife/doctor commenting on it.
Trick or treat 10 comments
· 7 years ago
The ones on the left are Costco rotisserie chickens, they (at least 3lbs each, the few I've pulled the meat off of and actually weighed have had slightly over 3lbs of meat once the bones, skin, and larger fat/cartilage pieces stripped away) are $4.99 plus tax every day for however many you want. (When you get them fairly often it's easy to identify because of their size and color, it's pretty standard).
The one on the left has extra seasoning or whatnot, it does not look like a Costco chicken so it (unless clearanced) cost at least a few dollars more.
The one on the left has extra seasoning or whatnot, it does not look like a Costco chicken so it (unless clearanced) cost at least a few dollars more.
Doggo doesn't like sorcery 2 comments
· 7 years ago
For those wanting to try this, do not be like this idiot, don't touch dry ice with bare skin.
It's one of those things people fall into three camps on - some people know, some people have a vague idea of it in the back of their minds but they don't actually think about the reasoning, and some people don't know/have no need to consider.
Just like a single (not double - double can be effective; I am not a doctor this is not medical advice; also insertion of a copper IUD within a couple days of unprotected sex will also drop your pregnancy chances dramatically and BMI makes no difference for *copper* IUDs; they make periods suck even worse but last 10 years without hormones and if you actually want to get pregnant just have it removed and you're ready!) Plan B emergency contraceptive is less effective up to ineffective as a woman's BMI increases (percentage of the medication dose found in bloodstream). They throw out weight limits but really it's BMI.
I'll stop talking about birth control now.
Thanks again.