This is Gold my friends ! 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Biological sex and gender are two different things.
So thankful 6 comments
Dis knee 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Ariel is in a tropical ocean and Sebastian has a Jamaican accent...why the fuck would she be white?? Do you think every creature that gets less light than the Caribbean has white skin?? Mermaids are folklore the world over. Including many African cultures.
Explains a great many interactions 1 comments
· 5 years ago
My elementary school used to have a poster that said "Respect: you have to give it to get It!" And I fucking hated it. To 10 year old me, it felt like extortion. Most teachers I encountered didn't have this attitude but the ones that did were awful.
Sounds about right 3 comments
· 5 years ago
In a lot of places in the middle East she'd be stoned to death, by the public, for committing adultery. There's a reason these extremes are being compared.
How has serving impacted you? 22 comments
Sansa Stark everybody 3 comments
This sign shouldn't have to exist 110 comments
· 5 years ago
Unless Georgia finds out, then you'll be arrested for murder. And you may not have to be rich but you still need money and the time off. So @famousone , you can go fuck yourself. This is not your decision. You have no idea what goes into making this choice.
Ma boi has spoken 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Unless their beliefs involve things like stoning gay people to death and genital mutilation...Inthink we should absolutely be taking action against those ideas in action.
Imagine if 23 comments
· 5 years ago
Hahahahaha yeah, because there are no female electricians or plumbers in the world. Fewer, yes, but women have those skills too! Try not to think too hard about it, you might hurt yourself.
stone 14 comments
· 5 years ago
I think it means people hurt themselves to try and make a relationship fit. Every relationship is wrong except the right one.
I'm sorry but thats the facts 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Why is everyone freaking out about this? It isn't new. And if you've read the books, it's defintely implied that Dumbledore and Grindlewalds relationship was more than just friends. Besides, the first description of Dumbledore is the most fabulous thing ever, and not because he's a wizard.
This hurt me, right in the fuuuuuking feels 13 comments
Some parents figure this out when it's too late. (or don't even) 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Yes, but that doesn't mean this isnt true. If you think your parent is going to get mad at you instead of helping You, you aren't likely to go to them for help.
I know it's a tumbler post, but it still made me laugh 12 comments
· 6 years ago
We have our own history and cultural identity, and while much of it is shared with the US, it really pisses us off when we get lumped in with them. Especially when Hollywood rewrites history to include them and we get erased. World War movies are particularly bad for this; The Great Escape is a perfect exapmple.
Hate my life 10 comments
Spill the tea 24 comments
Greek mythology 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Don't worry, we know Mohammad was an actual pedophile. He married a six year old but fear not! He didn't consummate the marriage until she was nine.
T'is better to annoy a thousand, to save a few 17 comments
· 6 years ago
Even though the alert didn't save her life, the cops arrested her father because someone spotted his vehicle and called it in. They were able to get to the crime scene faster and preserve the evidence, inceasing the likelihood of a conviction.
This guy gets it 17 comments
· 6 years ago
Congratulations. Some of us HAVE to buy a $50 bra (or more!!) because those are the only ones that fit. Victoria's secret and independent lingerie stores are the only places that carry my size. So if you know of a $10 32F bra store, please, let me know.
Not wrong 23 comments
Next level marketing 3 comments
· 6 years ago
I fucking hate these statements. There are other forms of birth control and sometimes they fail! Yes, sometimes people are stupid but saying no pregnancy happens by accident is just stupid.
ima just spam bad memes 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Men who accuse women of over reacting when they're not don't know how to handle any emotions, so to those guys everything is an over reaction.
Ah, life is unfair 7 comments
· 6 years ago
His butt might be bigger but he's also wearing spandex and she's wearing a bulky suit. Her suits isn't good for showcasing butt.
To all who get so serious on this site 13 comments
Men stupid amazing men 10 comments
Millennatude problem 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Millennatude, really? Bc we pushed the idea that the only way to be succesfull is by going to college on ourselves? Just like we gave ourselves those participation trophies....
Wow, I was tricked 19 comments
He truly did nothing wrong 7 comments
I love being Scottish 16 comments