
Christian Women : Can I tell you about our lord and saviour? Me : 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
(Whoa, those comments just suddenly appeared after posting that. Sorry for breaking up the existing reply chain! That was supposed to be a top-level comment, not a reply)
Christian Women : Can I tell you about our lord and saviour? Me : 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The "I" in that verse is Paul, telling Timothy how righteous people should behave. Doesn't really make it much better unless you speculate that he's actually making a veiled reference to a certain woman who really is out of line and that this counsel is in response to an extreme case (same with the "young widows are wicked seductresses, old widows are righteous" thing later on in that epistle), but at that point you're just inventing unknown historical context. Just wanted to clarify who "I" is in that verse, though.
Damn right 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Surprised to see a Gloryhammer reference on here, but I'm happy to see it!
Sister is going too far for anime expo next month 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yes. It's a cosplay style called animegao kigurumi. ("Animegao"="anime face", "kigurumi"=I don't remember but something to do with wearing something) Most masks are just static, but for a while I followed the progress of a maskmaker/cosplayer who managed to rig up their masks so you could make them wink or blink by moving your mouth.
All the faith that he had had, had had no effect on his life 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That sentance with all the 'and's would be more clear if they put quotes around the words in the sign. You know, a quote before This and between This and and and and and And and And and and and and and And and And and and and and and That and after That.
Hmm. Actually, my sentance could use quotes too. Specifically before This and between This and and and between and This and This and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and And and And and and...
Accidental serial killer 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Fun fact speaking of anesthesia, that same doctor is credited as the first British surgeon to use anesthesia. (It was near the end of his career.)
Unlimited power! 19 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Have a cliche scene where Sonic doesn't want to/is too scared to be the hero, a refusal-of-the-call-before-the-climax kind of thing. Cop guy convinces him by telling him about his namesake, Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic the creature was named after Sonic the Hedgehog because they're both blue and fast, but Sonic the Hedgehog is the fictional legend that Sonic the alien has to live up to. The world needs a hero like Sonic, but he doesn't actually exist, so the alien has to step up and be that hero. (Robotnik's just crazy and became an Eggman-themed supervillain.) This way Sonic can act "out of character" and have lightning powers and stuff, Sonic the Hedgehog can still be important and be put on a pedestal, and the movie can be even more in the "real world" on Earth. And it'd only take one fairly stock scene.
Accidental serial killer 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The doctor was also definitely the guy you wanted doing your amputation. He insisted on cleanliness and sterility at a time when surgeons liked having messy operating rooms and bloody clothes because it "showed they were busy", was the fastest amputator by a long shot at a time when every second counted, and invented surgical devices still in use today.
But yeah, he did make some fatal mistakes.
title 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You forgot BrainPOP! (PMK was also a big part of my childhood, but I've yet to meet another American that's seen it, and I don't know enough Canadians to get a feel for how popular it was in its country of production.)
My local thrift store put Bibles in the fiction section 18 comments
guest · 5 years ago
If you only had the two sections fiction and non-fiction, where would you put outdated and incorrect textbooks? Not saying that they're the same as Bibles, just that your Watchmen example made me think of other cases of contains-fact-and-fiction. Like a chemistry textbook with the Bohr model of the atom, or a biology textbook saying Watson and Crick discovered DNA instead of that they described its shape, or a history textbook saying Christopher Columbus spread disease to native Americans (specifically in North America, where he never was). They have truths and were written to be non-fiction, but also do include some falsehoods, even if by accident or ignorance.
Unlimited power! 19 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I like the idea of it being a publicity stunt. They had a good Sonic all ready to go from Day One, but put out the horrendous posters and trailer and fanned the flames a bit so it would be talked about, and will then surprise us with an actual good Sonic. Video game movies are notorious for bad adaptations, and Sonic is notorious for unpleaseable fans and several bad games, so promises of "it's going to be good" might be met with "eh, good for a video game movie/good for Sonic, maybe, but that's just an okay compared to real quality stuff. Not interested." but promises of memetic-levels-of-bad would be met with "I can't wait to see this! Low hanging fruit for mockery, memes, and hot takes? Yes! I can't wait to hate it!"
At least, I hope that's their plan.
Solve k. 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Ah, I see their problem. They forgot to distribute the n in the denominator. The answer is actually k = 1/n + six.
Roll call. Who doesn't know? What else don't you know? 20 comments
guest · 5 years ago
There was also the difference between CD-R and CD-RW. CD-RW was kind of like a flashdrive, because you could write and overwrite it as much as you wanted. Once you wrote to a CD-R, though, that was it. Better hope you didn't make a mistake in your playlist or you had to buy another CD.
I think we can all relate 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
BIONICLE memes had me here for far too long trying to figure out what extra joke there is involving Kopaka, but I'm starting to think the mememaker just coincidentally chose him as a random toy.
You have made a valuable addition to the number of people who have read this title 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Aren't these tautologies instead of recursion?
As James Hetfield would like to say "SAD BUT TRUE" 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That artist has a better idea than most depictions. The gorilla used "related" instead of "ancestor" or "descendant", implying a hypothesized common ancestor instead of a linear descendancy.
This hurt me, right in the fuuuuuking feels 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Not a psychiatrist, but another difference is that things and events make you sad, while depression just happens. (Depression can also make you sad) Depression is also long-term. Oh, also, important: "just" being sad instead of being depressed isn't a weaker form of emotion that needs less care. Sadness isn't a chemical imbalance in the brain like depression is, so you don't need pills, but you still have just as much claim on the sympathy of others and the comforts of friends and things that cheer you up as a depressed person does.
We've known since 1912 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
There's lots of fun stuff in old newspapers. I remember reading an article from several years ago online about how we incorrectly assume that no one knew anything in the past and we're all discovering new things now, and how ancient civilizations were far more advanced than we give them credit for. It acted like this was a novel way of thinking. Then a few months later while working on a project with old newspapers, I found a newspaper from around 1900 (give or take 10 years, I don't remember the exact year) where someone was saying the exact same thing.
I just want to be a Saiyan God 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You just need push-ups, sit-ups, and plenty of juice
True af!! 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Eh, I actually see no problem with adult fans wanting it to have a hardcore mode. There's a lot that GameFreak could do to add optional difficulty levels for experienced players who want to be more challenged. Pokemon games are aimed to bring new people into the franchise, true, but it shouldn't come at the expense of longtime players. The demand for harder difficulty only becomes toxic when people are demanding that Pokemon games just be harder outright, or that they stay they way they used to be, or get more complicated in follow-up ways, or other things that come at the expense of recruiting new players.
"Pokemon games are too easy and are for babies" = toxic
"Pokemon games need to stop with the trainer-Pokemon relationship buffs, it takes away the challenge" = toxic
"Pokemon games would benefit from a difficulty option that you can turn on or off that scales trainers' Pokemon levels with yours/gives gym leaders full teams/uses a smarter AI/etc." = not toxic
Merry chrysler 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
(other guest) Pretty sure that's Oriana Thomson from A Certain Magical Index.
Anime details: a dude with no powers in a world where most people have powers continually saves the day. He actually does have a power, the power to negate other people's powers. People are split among Science or Magic, with the Science people being further split among various groups vying for power and control over Academy City and the Magic people being split among various churches (because religion = magic) vying for power and control over the world.
Character details: she's on the magic side, but wants to help people in general. Her powers involve pre-preparing spells on paper so she's extremely versatile with her magic but also doesn't really use the same spell twice. She's also got good hand-to-hand skills and definitely knows that she's attractive and uses that to her advantage. She's shown up in two of the arcs so far over three seasons of the anime adaptation.
I am free. I am free. I am free 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I don't know the water situation, but for the homeless some justifications (valid or not) are A) it lets them get handouts from people instead of being incentivized to go to a shelter where homelessness can be better addressed but requires more effort (eg. helping someone break a drug habit that's been keeping them homeless), B) well-meaning but poorly-trained people who don't know about food safety can make homeless people sick with their meals, C) if they can rely on the kindness of strangers, homeless people will stick around instead of going somewhere else and being some other city's problem, D) for the amount of money and effort it costs you to make a meal for the homeless, a charity organization could make several meals, so feeding the homeless by yourself is a waste of resources that could be multiplied if you volunteered at/donated to a charity organization. These are the most common arguments I've heard. I'll leave judgement to others as to how good the arguments are.
172 years edison 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
We did. Tesla won the War of the Currents. And tons of his other ideas are implemented today. Edison made some great contributions as well, so I wouldn't use "instead of." It's a good thing we listened to both of them.
Feels good to be #1 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"world champion"
Apparently there is a wrong way to label cashew nut boxes.. 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
And that way is every way that isn't this one
GO RAMS 27 comments
guest · 5 years ago
(Edit: I agree that rugby is a tougher sport than football, though. Although having a rugby team play a football team because both sports have tackling and an oblong ball would be like a pole vaulter competing against a hurdler because they both involve jumping over stuff on a track.)
GO RAMS 27 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"The All Blacks would beat both of them combined." Maybe if the game was rugby, yeah, but not a chance if it's football. Honestly, the two sports don't have that much in common. Rugby's got more similarities to soccer and hockey than football.
When you show peasant rebels mercy in CK2 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yes, the wound got infected and the infection killed him. However, the bolt was removed by a surgeon who apparently wasn't very skilled or careful, so the infection could have been from the shot or the surgery. (Still, even if it was the surgeon's fault, the boy was the one who shot him, so he gets the credit either way.)
School vs. College 17 comments
guest · 5 years ago
(other guest) I'm a senior in college. I'm currently going through the proccess of dropping a class because of a professor like this. (Many other reasons, but the final straw was two classes in a row of "hey, remember what I taught you last time? Okay, good, no need to move on to the next thing. Now, try and argue that Trump is right about trade policies and I'll tell you why you and he are wrong. No, we're not going to continue with the scheduled content for today that's actually relevant to the class. And if you run out of arguments, I'll just make some up to tear down.") This is the first class that's ever been this bad. So, these professors do exist, but at least in my experience, they're uncommon.
Still less of an atrocity than every 3D Sonic game. 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Oh, they released another poster for the movie!
Abcde 36 comments
guest · 5 years ago
How many parents do you think picked a child's name like this?
Eat the crust! 17 comments
guest · 5 years ago
See, I like crust, but if I can get a pizza without sauce, I do. To me, sauce is what keeps pizza good instead of great. So is this one of those antidotes that counteracts poison but if taken alone makes you just as sick as poison, or am I just double-safe?
Making the best of a bad situation 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
guests can't :(
Making the best of a bad situation 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You've gotta check out Aaron Attaboy McAvoy. My favorite one he and his washing machine did is probably Metallica's "Enter Sandman".
I expected so much more 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I want to see the mobile market grow and change its reputation from free-to-pay knockoff timewasters to good games on the go. I'm excited for what this could do for the mobile reputation, but also understand and share the fear that it'll be a game that fits in and reinforces the former category.
Sign posted on the door of a Catholic high school for boys 17 comments
guest · 5 years ago
What if reaching out to others and coordinating a way to recover from a mistake as early as possible is their problem-solving? Or are they trying to encourage the students to also learn how to set up spy-style secret meetups and drops to get their materials without being caught?
Have fun sleeping tonight 20 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Artist is Will Burke.
Issac Newton is mad 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Wasn't this also shortly after staring at the sun for too long and needing to spend a few days in a dark room to recover his sight?
The hero we deserve 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The NZ-999 Meow Zeong!
What's your wifi name 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
There was always using ASCII characters like ¬[]=//┘π to refer to that one Doctor Who episode. (Unicode characters were more accurate, but more hit-or-miss depending on your hardware) Also the apartment I moved into had a "Lord of the Pings" network that was pretty clever.
Sorry about the ribs though 24 comments
guest · 6 years ago
She literally said she loved him and would keep him in her prayers. You can love someone without approving of their actions or compromising your beliefs.
It's Time To D-D-D-D-D-D-Change out your deck man 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I once had an idea of making one of those giant rectangle party pizzas and cutting it into playing-card-sized pieces and using toppings to make the numbers and suits, like a 3 of mini pepperoni or a 7 of olives, etc. And then you could play War with them. Except if you beat the opponent's card, you don't add the cards back to your deck, you just eat them. So you have to fight to eat, and if you lose the war, you starve.
He's got a point 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That part was just accounting for the case of "so if I make sure I never learn the law, I am exempt from it" attitude, not specifically aimed at the joke. My bad for pre-emptive defending. In the case of the hypothetical situation of the joke, it'd go "if I didn't know about this stuff, would I go to hell?" "No, but you'd learn about it eventually and then make your choice." "Then why did you tell me?" "Well, for all I know, you've been looking for this stuff your whole life. How would you know if I might have satisfactory answers for you if I didn't let you know?" It's kind of like if you find a book or show or music you really like and also have a friend and know it'd also become a favorite of theirs. Are you going to wait for them to say "so, got any books/shows/music to recommend?", or are you going to find them and go "Hey, check this out, you'll love it!" ?
Meme or cry for help 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Do you need help?
He's got a point 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Also the priest in the joke is wrong. If you don't know the gospel, you get taught after you die. Your character sticks with you, though, so going "lalala, don't wanna listen so I can sin now and learn when I'm dead" is a good indicator of refusing to listen in the afterlife too, and then yes, you go to "hell" (well, more like you go to heaven but not the best heaven. Like winning a million dollars when the grand prize was two million dollars and a speedboat.) But basically, you're going to learn sooner or later, so might as well make it sooner and get a head start.
I love super vivid dreams 31 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Although lately I keep waking up at 2am and fall back asleep and the dream resumes but now as a nightmare. Like the first half is me being taken in by a kind family and having dinner with them and the second half is them wanting my corpse to animate as a slave as payment and trying to bludgeon me to death when I show signs of not cooperating.
I love super vivid dreams 31 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That usually causes me to fall back asleep. Sometimes the dream continues, sometimes not. Either way, I sleep past my alarm...
Tell me those songs 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Bow, by Human Design. For that part with the most headbanging whistling ever.
Anything can be a date 32 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Solid criteria right there, @unklethan.
Shut them off with one comment! 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
On the one hand, there's the argument that scientists (even atheist ones) were inspired by God or were instruments in His hands to bring about the miracle of modern medicine and that science is just as much one of God's works as are unexplained miraculous phenomena. On the other hand, a holiday is a holiday whatever the reason. You could have no idea that there even is a holiday and it'd still be a holiday. Of course atheists should also get the day off work! Unless they want to protest religious holidays by continuing to work, but that's their protest to make, not yours to start for them.