
vaccinate 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Sounds like your doctors are just fear-mongerers. Measles vaccine or the actual disease gives lifelong immunity, so it would be incredibly rare to get it twice. And people don't die from getting it twice since that is nearly impossible to happen. There is a rare encephalitis that people who had measles could get many years in the future, but it is rare. Just ensure your family and close contacts are vaccinated; you'll benefit from their protection. You can read up on herd immunity if you like. Stay safe.
Australian laws 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
And they introduced rabbits infected with a lethal rabbit virus to control the rabbits but them rabbits just evolved to resist dying from said virus. So then they were stuck with a burgeoning local rabbit population, a new rabbit population, and a virus killing all the animals except the ones it was introduced to kill. Fun times!
Lets meme/trend this: Real Men "honest habit" 28 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Or just fart in the aisle with dishcleaning stuff. Masks the smell right up.
Because, why not? 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
"We all know sex sells and the whole world is buying"...Creed