
Say sorry 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The vape cloud weirdly looks like a boy. Casper!
Screw you iceland 21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Well, it may help to prevent whaling by Japan. They exploit the clause that you can catch whales if it's for scientific research. They kill hundreds of whales including calves for "science" and use them to make dog food and gourmet cuisine. Icelanders live on whale meat, there's not much else there anyway. So if this helps prevent Japan from decimating the whale population, it may give these creatures a fighting chance.
Too many abandoned pets 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You have to pass different tests to get a dog in Switzerland, including dog training so you can be allowed to take the dog in public transport. They must be chipped and registered in the national database. You can't get one on a whim. Also, social animals like hamsters must never be alone, so you can't own only one hamster. Cat ownership, however, isn't as rigorously monitored.