
A different kind of progress pic - 22 vs 26 33 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Well done. Good looking as both.
Taxes 34 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I get that working for money is good and that giving money to people who airnt working seems stupid but once you actually think about the amount of good decent people who want jobs but simply can't get them or a family where someone's been down sized or just anyone who's fallen on harsh times it seems unfair to but them through this as your placing this whole new stigma of "hey your on benefits you must be a scumbag " on them. Furthermore many recreational drug users are just normal people and to say that they shouldn't be able to blow off some steam be it from a few drinks with friends or smoking a joint at home is just stupid because without some outlets it's so easy to get depressed or stuck when your living hand to mouth. (I don't take drugs but I know people that do . (jobs,family,finances intact) I don't think taking drugs all the time is ok. I don't think we should keep assuming the worst of people and should offer other ways for them to example their best)
This box shows tomorrow's weather with real rain and clouds 30 comments
guest · 9 years ago
This is why I come here every day but still won't leave proof by making a traceable account.