
Get the difference 18 comments
guest · 7 years ago
You know you can train them to bark less, right?
For when people try to make white guilt a thing 46 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Bevels the fact that black slavery in the US is much more relevant to our daily lives and the power structure that most of us live in.
And I'm completely supportive of gay rights 47 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If you don't like the way they are dressed, don't look at them and go about your business. You'll find life is much happier when you don't worry about a stranger's makeup.
Knight sweatshirt, shut up and take my money 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Or a great way to keep your face warm when it's windy.
I hate when that happens 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I have a 10 year old scar from that bs. That's why I don't wear underwires any more
well. 31 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It is a Muslim ban, because we're only allowing exceptions for religious minorities (Christians).
Pretty much! 24 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Refusing to look at what's going on in politics makes you literally wilfully ignorant.
Internet police 13 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Sometimes people are not going to like you for your opinions, and they're allowed to express their disagreement. Stop whining about it.
People are dying 47 comments
guest · 7 years ago
In my state, hospitals can take your property, including your house, if you don't pay your medical bills. Personally, I might decide to die rather than leave my family homeless.
People are dying 47 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Obama pushed for that hard, but his opponents would not agree to it. The act he intended to pass would have been much better.
I have never been so discouraged in my life 18 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Let's be real, though. At least 50% of Patrick Stewart's sexy is in his voice.
They are called aliens 20 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I hate those people. I get migraines that last for days, and I'm allergic to painkillers.
I want a series of short stories about these 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Or you could just get into Wolverine.
Roses are red, sugar is sweet 74 comments
guest · 7 years ago
And some don't eat meat at all. That is a horrible idea.
Shit that never happened land 32 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Disagree. I like to see people take pride in their good qualities. Being mad that someone agrees with your compliment just means that you want them to care about your opinion of them, instead of making them feel good.
This guy is invincible 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
You think that's bad? Just wait til all the diapers are full.
The issues with todays society 51 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Also, black people in America often don't know what country their ancestors are from, since they were forced to abandon their culture when they were enslaved.
Social justice warriors 27 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Yeah, because female rape victims wouldn't want to avoid a sexist atmosophere or be upset about us electing a guy who bragged about sexually assaulting women.
Or just be good to everyone 14 comments
guest · 8 years ago
This is me. People are always surprised at what they get when they disrespect me. I'm a nice person, not a doormat. I gave you a chance, and you blew it.
Have you ever stopped and realized 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I'm married, so yeah.
Politics with Patrick! 40 comments
guest · 8 years ago
But the EC can vote against the populace.