
Happens every time 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I think I might be one of the people that does that. Let me just say that I'm sorry for doing that, and for making you feel like what you had to say wasn't important. I'll try to,do better but please realize that I'll still slip up some of the time and not realize it til later, so please keep trying to speak your piece.
It is unnerving how many people <3 this narrative 24 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Here, let me make a condescending and insulting reply to your reasonable point, but not include any fact or idea that would refute that point. Ahhh, now I feel superior.
Patrick stewart everyone 10 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I will join you in your fight for women and girls.
"Islam forces female genital mutilation. Islam mistreats women"

Oh wait, I wasn't supposed to have noticed? I was supposed to stick to the white western "patriarchy."
Technologies that disappeared 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Air bags are designed to keep you from getting a chest injury that damages your internal organs, and a head impact that gives you a brain injury or a broken jaw. If,you can get up and walk away with no,broken bones, you didn't need an air bag.
Now Wait, I'm Not Finished 17 comments
guest · 4 years ago
We don't have to stone someone who sins. That person can seek God's forgiveness and try to do better, that is, go,forth and sin no more. (In fact, that's what Jesus said to the woman after he told the crowd "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.") There's an enormous difference between "go forth and sin no more" and celebrating sinful acts. And not only do,we have to tolerate every thing that someone else wants to,do, we have to celebrate it, and tough luck if you don't want to be a part of it and refrain from baking a cake for the gay wedding.
Driven by love 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Sorry, but the cynic in me can't help but wonder if he displays that where passengers can notice it in order to get more sympathy tips.
Big Bubble did that in the Indian subcontinent (96-98) 8 comments
guest · 4 years ago
There was that guy in the comics who wore a red or orange turtle neck shirt, but it was pulled up over his nose. Please tell me I didn't dream that.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Yeah, those Founding Fathers had no,idea what they were doing.
Social media life 15 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Why does the anti-gun liberal have a gun?
Iron the creases out next time 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago

Virtue signaling.
Student is asked about "hell"; In an exam, this is his answer 7 comments
guest · 4 years ago
FYI: Back before the Internet, hilarious stories like this circulated as photocopies of photocopies, sometimes faxed in the process. This is a story I first heard (read) in the early 1980s.
Dont talk to me while im eating 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Next post: "People at my workplace are so unfriendly and cold."
Without the hand eye coordination 8 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Learning the truth that the mainstream media don't broadcast didn't make your parents do anything that parallels video games.

Did you notice that distinct LACK of coverage of the two recent ,ass shootings? One was by an illegal alien and the other a black man, but the MSM doesn't want to push that narrative. Or, because those things were on Fox, do you contend they didn't happen?
The Illusion of Choice 25 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That's pretty accurate. Trump has a lot of drawbacks, bit has some rational and positive qualities, whereas Hillary is just plain evil and horrible.
It doesn't happen! 19 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I have had this happen a couple times with my four kids, and I noticed something. When I had given an excessive punishment or gave an event the worse construction than warranted, my kid DIDN'T smart off to me or give me the "you're so unfair, treat me like a slave, my life is the worst ever" treatment. I gave the situation some thought and then realized that I had a part in the disagreement or whatever, but did not have to also deal with disrespectfulness or stupidity (my life is terrible even though I live and eat for free and have a car at my disposal that also doesn't cost me anything).

The bottom line is this: Let your parent arrive at the right decision rather than make the situation worse with "stereotypical teenage rants."
Which Countries Discovered each Element on the Periodic Table 20 comments
guest · 5 years ago
English-speaking vs. rest of the world....
What is this 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This was originally posted before she was in congress...but does anyone else see AOC laughing in that second pic?
The problem of being a Supernatural fan 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You know, if the Satan of the Bible exists, he's done a smart thing in getting himself understood not as an evil being intent on getting your soul but as a misunderstood mischievous offbeat loner. People have sympathy and empathy for the latter, and that's even better than the situation where he stays under the radar by convincing people he doesn't really exist.
Watermelonitra...These Dudes Be Like 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Male version of hooters 21 comments
guest · 5 years ago
When the OP says "I think they should make..." it shows she (or he) doesn't know that such a thing exists.
Male version of hooters 21 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Better idea for women: A place where the guys wear suits and tuxedos, and stop and listen to the endless ceaseless BS stories that they want to tell. For example, "Did you get groceries today?" should be a yes or no answer, but the waiters at the women's fantasy bar will sit through all the meanderings of the "shopping adventure," including stories about people he doesn't know who were also at the store and how the cashier said the coupon couldn't be combined with the other sale price when it plainly was good for what the woman was buying. Oh, and also the offshoot story that came to mind during the parts about people he doesn't know, but that person was at a wedding of another person he doesn't know or care about but this thing happened to them...
Tina knows what's up 30 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Here's the problem with calling it egalitarianism: There are events just for girls, like an engineering day at the near ups college's engineering school, or a girls in flight program at the air field. There are no equivalent boys programs.

I see that at a large shopping site online that it's possible to direct your business to women-owned companies. My boss hired a woman and was really pleased because it let him check off a box on *his* review that he was promoting "diversity." There are countless examples of giving girls and women some advantage, but now we're at the point where 51% of college degrees are awarded to women. So why are we still giving advantages to "level,the playing field?"

What's wanted now is not equality but privilege. Is everything now fair? Of course not. But all this pushing advantages for people with XX chromosomes is nothing more than bias and it always goes one way. But you can't advance equality with inequality. So, be honest about desiring privilege.
We need this 22 comments
guest · 5 years ago
How does this have no "thumbs up?" It accurately answers the question posed of "Why didn't someone teach me these important life skills?" It turns out that when your dad or uncle or neighbor tried to do that, you were too busy or too tired or didn't feel like it or too engaged in sending memes to your friends about why nobody caused this knowledge to be transmitted into your head with no effort or time on your part.
Germanyball 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Live with a German car for 10 years and then tell me that again.
Hilarious 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"I'm not a prostitute, I just got paid to have sex and it was filmed." That's the problem with literal definitions...sometimes the truth is awkward or sad.
When geeks fall in love 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I don't care for theme weddings, especially when the theme is something from pop culture. But I think it's really neat that someone would be free spirited enough to go this route.

PS: For people with bad reading and comprehension skills, just because I say that I don't care for something doesn't mean that someone else is restricted from doing it.
Good to know who's watching 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
A good way to one-up your dad is to start paying for an account. THAT will show that guy!
That should be common sense 23 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The book of Genesis?
Stash 8 27 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Just like stupid people keep saying "conservatives are against immigrants" when they are actually against ILLEGAL immigrants. It's just easier to win an argument where you insert flaws that don't actually exist into the other side's opinion.
What a douche 16 comments
guest · 5 years ago
OK, just-a-game, what's your feeling when your BF looks at porn or goes to a strip club? Is it all just imaginary the , or do,you dislike any of that?
American Horror Story: underage sex objects meant to be judged by adults bc that's okay... 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Right. You can't trust people to make their own decisions when they might be the wrong decisions. We don't need Freedom, but something more like "freedom" where you make choices within known correct boundaries.
So that Bae and I can chill 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That's what people were saying in the '70s, but got dismissed as prides and berated for wanting to censor what everyone else saw. So now we have the obligatory awkward uncomfortable sex scenes that aren't necessary for plot or character development, but everyone who doesn't like them is "too stupid to,see the emperor's beautiful new clothes."
The reason finnish babies sleep in cardboard boxes 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
If you think this is good and important, start a program doing this in your community. Solicit donations and volunteers to pack the boxes. Maybe some local businesses will even kick in with free items as part of their local outreach. Several stores in my city have budget for that stuff, and will give something to nearly anyone who asks.

Or, sit around and complain that someone else (an individual, group or the government) should do it. If that's your choice, be honest with yourself and with everyone else that it wasn't actually all THAT important to you.

It bugged me and a bunch of other people that there's a wheelchair program to get one to people who need one, but those people often get stuck in their homes due to anywhere from a single step to a two story staircase. This group builds wheelchair ramps for free for these people, and the materials are discounted by local lumber yards and paid for by the people in the group plus a couple churches. So, you CAN do something.
I don't watch tv, where is my Lamborghini? 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
If you were hustling a second job or taking classes to improve your skills to increase your chances of getting a better job, you wouldn't have time to be sitting at home watching TV because you're broke. Ok, you're bored, what has a better chance of improving your situation, the stuff I mentioned or watching tv while whining about your situation? Honestly, I think you accidentally made the very point this meme tries to show...not only do broke people watch a lot of tv, they don't even realize their lazy and wasteful habits contribute to their situation.
The best cheese 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
If you don't like the idea of spray cheese, don't buy it. There are plenty of other kinds made by descendants of people who fled the countries that used to make the best cheeses.
I'm Rather Offended By That 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
To all that "liked" this meme:
Does that apply to "The N Word" as well? Can I, as a white male, accurately quote rap lyrics, or will I still be subjected to doxing, retaliation, etc.?
A good Christian joke 22 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Lefties: you must never tell a joke where my side, or protected minorities, are portrayed in an unflattering light, and especially bad is taking a joke that I wanted to tell about your side.
8 years of presidency will do that to ya 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Interesting take. Obama separated illegal immigrants from their children so that kids wouldn't be in adult detention facilities, and nobody cared. Trump did the same thing, and (fanned by the media) suddenly it became a terrible thing to do. Obama pandered to BLM and fed racial tensions and divide, and everyone (led by the media) just figured that racial tensions were worse. But now, it's fashionable to confront Blacks with incorrect views on race (I.e., not victims, politically not aligned with the most rabid Left) because anything you say or do to a "Nazi" is OK (and you just have to define everything you dislike as fascist).
The resemblance is uncanny 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Looks like The Hulk, but only part way into Hulking out.
But that's not how this works! That's not how any of this works! 18 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It gets tighter again after a while...months, but it gets "tight enough."

Father of four here, speaking from experience.
Pretty cool 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Can't help but notice that this company:
1. Is a capitalistic company in a capitalistic economic system, and
2. Was not compelled to do that action by government regulation or law.

Also, if there was any additional cost involved in the printing or proliferation of sack types, it was borne by the company. So, Redistributionists, take that.
Credit to DarthHenoric(?) 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This is pretty bad, but we seem to be overreaching on defining this as "abuse." There's really no equivalent to what's presented (not stalking a former BF, but being stupid and pushy with someone who isn't bothered enough to break up with her) and being smacked around by someone bigger than you.
You guys?? 21 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I took a couple years of French in high school, then a semester in college. I wasn't great at it, but could do the written assignments and spoken dialog things. Then I worked in a French speaking country for three years, and was miles (kilometers) ahead of the other Americans who were over there. It opened a lot of doors both in business and after hours (dealing with shopping, and also touring around which we did a lot). Once I had to start speaking the language, the practice filled in what I was missing from school.

Another thing in real conversation is the pace and vocabulary people use when they know you have limited language competence. If you watch a movie, the pace is too fast for beginners to get. And with liaison/elision in French, you have no chance as a beginner.
Good deed? 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Wait 'til you discover that you can't make money in writing programming courses because some people take your work and post it for free use.
About right 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"We may have voted for Brexit, but we want more elections until we get the results that [my group] wants."
Better 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That's one of the things you're never allowed to question: Mothers work is infinitely more difficult than every other task. Other ones include:
-Giving birth is the most pain anyone can feel, so don't even bother comparing whatever you went through
-All teachers are seriously underpaid, despite getting months more time off than the rest of people
Absolute madlad 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yeah, much better for her to let him run into traffic when she's carrying groceries, or just leave him at home by himself.
*laughs in fakegps* 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Looks more like a creation in MS Paint designed to fool the naive.
Showing off a new scientific find 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
How DARE that scientist flash a white power symbol at that other scientist!
Nothing 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The time my wife made a bet with me on Monopoly and lost...apparently, being the best in her family wasn't all that great when playing more cutthroat people (like me). So, that day combined destroying someone at Monopoly *and* some great sex (style/genre/extras of my choosing). I just wish I'd ordered a pizza that day to hit the trifecta of this meme.