Saw this on Twitter, her cousin caught her tweet about her calling him cute 17 comments
· 6 years ago
That's totally not how that went in the online video I saw.
How strangers become friends 10 comments
Economics 101 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Fucking idiots on this site. I will attempt to explain just in case some uneducated but otherwise intelligent fool should stumble across this post and maybe I can reach him. That is absolutely NOT how "trickle down economics" works and nor was it ever intended to spread wealth down to every little pissant in every company. Remember, we're talking about a trickle not a deluge. As simply as I can put it, this means that the company has to do well financially in order for YOU to have a job. If the owner is making money, that will TRICKLE DOWN to those working for him in the form of a paycheck. I don't know about you but I have never been paid a wage by someone with LESS money than me. Maybe it's a large paycheck, maybe not. If not, find another job cupcake. No one owes you anything. If you think you deserve to make more money start your own company. Just don't forget to share your income "fairly" with everyone working for you.