
True though 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Libre express ftw (although it has some of the same problems, but hey it's free)
Or Google docs (I use that on my tablet)
Also the stock market joke is especially fitting now, damn
Jackass boss 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yup. The title often makes people think that she gave the kidney to her boss and that she must've been lazy since the boss also had to recover (yes I've seen people actually say that she was lazy, which is ironic since the people who say it were too lazy to Google the actual story), but actually she gave her kidney to someone else so that the boss could be moved up the list. And even if that was the case it still isn't acceptable because there can always be complications. Bottom line is, to fire someone because their recovery is taking longer is the most disgusting thing and the boss is a cold, heartless bitch who deserves to have her business crash and burn to the ground.
The period 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I'm still at the stage of life when I'm happy to get it tbh.