That 14 year old? April Ludgate 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Well the difference between a religion and a cult, is the way they feel when YOU want to leave them. Jonestown in Africa was supposed to be a new place for everyone to go and be closer to god (if I remember that correctly) but they ultimately went batshit when people went rouge. Guns, cyanide laced koolaid and those who didn’t drink were injected with cyanide suspended in saline FORCEFULLY. If I don’t show up to church/temple/mass/mosque I won’t have everyone forcing me to go.
How to deal with assholes. 15 comments
· 6 years ago
But can I have applesauce is the question? Can we all go out to like an applesauce bar if that exists, that only sell apple related products?
Just saying 21 comments
· 6 years ago
You have to remember, Africa isn’t all refugee camps, they also have cities just like we do, it may not be as big as let’s say...New York for example. What we see on tv is what they try to make Africa out to be. Who knows, they might even have better wages, and bigger houses than some in the US. The countries have no connotation to it. It’s the fact that other countries aside from Canada aren’t able to watch the Super Bowl. The numbers may matter in some sense, but if US football was one of the sports we played in the olympics/World Cup. I think people may watch it because it’s a little more entertaining than soccer/football (for all of those who call soccer football.)
Dads anonymous 1 comments
Well f*ck you too disc 3 comments
Answer quickly! 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Not necessarily, in a fragmenting grenade like you see in the picture above, if you pull the pin, it can be put back in place, however if you remove the spoon, the handle looking thing, then it releases the powder to ignite.
Meanwhile, inside the haunted house 9 comments
· 6 years ago
I believe this is nightmares haunted house in Clifton hills Canada, near Niagara Falls
Zoomable eye lens 24 comments
· 6 years ago
One application that I thought of is being able to use it in the military, you won’t need binoculars, one wink, and you can identify your target. Another is using tech like this in security cameras, you can ID suspects, or in law enforcement, you can ID a subject from a mile away.
Technological advances like this is what makes me feel great about science.
Technological advances like this is what makes me feel great about science.