
Relevant 31 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Since it's so easy to "shoot the legs" of a perp to disable him, it makes ya' wonder why the Australian police hurt anyone at all. I mean, just shoot the gun or knife out of his hands, right? And that three bullet nice of criminals to never rove in groups larger than three. Also, maybe Australians don't have a femoral artery, so leg shots aren't that dangerous.

Man, the things some people believe because they saw it on a cartoon or a 1950s western.
Misha is my fav human ever! 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
With your powerful thighs?
guest · 5 years ago
White people like to assuage their white guilt by sympathizing and going over the top in how terrible white people are/were, but I never see any of them giving anything back to the natives they feel were "robbed." They sometimes agitate for *other* people to fund reparations or some $#+.
Secret ingredients revealed 37 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I don't care for Girl Scout cookies. They taste...well..."ok," but the price per ounce is ridiculous. There are many better cookies at the store for much less per cookie. Plus, wth is it with the price? There's no store overhead or sales or delivery? The GS district gets some tiny amount of money. The cookie company must be raking in the dough.
Just wait guys 26 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Obama was in office when global economics caused the price of crude oil to go down, so some simpletons believe that "he lowered gas prices." Oddly enough, it's usually the same people who are pleased with lower gas prices who think there should be a carbon tax on fossil fuels to deter their use to "solve global warming."

Clinton was in office when the Internet first bloomed and there was a huge bump to the GDP thanks to companies replacing old equipment and software to deal with the Y2K issue. The Roth IRA was introduced, so many people converted their regular IRAs, paying taxes upfront to avoid taxes later. But Clinton somehow gets "credit" for increasing tax receipts by virtue of being in the White House when those things occurred, which weren't of his making.
World keeps on spinning 20 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Doing nothing? The Orlando school now requires clear backpacks and the wearing of IDs, which could have helped with what happened had those measures been in place. Those measures aren't whatDavod Hogg and the rest *wanted*, but confiscating and destroying all firearms is not going to happen.
World keeps on spinning 20 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Lemme guess...the anti-gun bit was sandwiched between him doing impressions of Trump and Saying things that are funny to Trump-haters but stupid to,the average person.
You go guys 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
As much as I dislike this so-called Westboro Baptist Church, physically preventing them from exercising their right to free speech bothers me as well. If We can justify preventing them from speaking their minds, then the next thing is, someone can prevent you or me from the same thing because they find what we say, even if it's true, offensive to them. Plus I think it's a good idea to get this Fred Phelps group faulty Opinions out into the light where It can be debunked and legitimately criticized, instead of sirpressed such that some people might wonder if there isn't something to the speech that you're trying to keep from being sad.
WHY U DO DIS?! Dx 29 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Boo brings home her BF and there are four eyes in the open closet doorway watching them...well, do wat dey do.
What's for lunch? 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Next sentiment: why don't people ever talk to me?
Meet This "Sugar Baby" Girl Who Charges Older Men $500 A Date. Here's What She Does 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I am an older man, and I'm just imagining how much fun I'd have if I took my wife on a $500 date...both on the date and then afterwards. If I weren't married, I'll net I could find a woman who'd be a lot of fun on such a date, and wouldn't be a "pro," although she might just be "regular pretty" vs. arm candy. Honestly, I'd feel like a fool spending that kind of money on such a vapid gold digger.
Safety specs saved this guy's eye from an exploding angle grinder disc 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Working a few a few decades in a manufacturing environment, this kind of thing happened regularly. Our saying is, "foresight is better than no sight." Wear your damn safety glasses (or in some cases, face shields).
I love this comedian 36 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The USA has so much more violence because you let in all those groups who use violence to,settle arguments and to increase their gangs' drug selling territories. It's easier to have cultural unity and peace when there's racial homogeneity.
just 16 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You can also $v€£ each others' )/(&$ as long as you say "no homo" first.
This vehicle 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"Mmmm...yeah....10 miles per gallon....ooohhhhh, that's turning me on...."
A phone dropped from an amusement park ride roughly 3-4 stories high, this is the result 21 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It's amazing how people start taking much better care of their phones once they pay for their own vs. having mommy and daddy buy the replacements.
This looks like so much fun 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It looks HORRIBLE! I imagine struggling to climb but sliding down farther...farther...until the plastic,surrounds you and you can't breathe.
I'm not even mad. I mean, that's amazing! 23 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I love parenting advice from those who don't have children. They're the real experts!
This is my mom to a T 21 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I just love people bragging about what they're *gonna* do some day. Nearly as useful as parenting advice from non-parents.
New zealander 16 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Another reminder for those who,want more government control in more aspects of,our lives--sometimes that control is pretty screwed up.
Let the whining begin 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
As a smoker, you're "for" banning smoking? Simply exercise your prerogative to not smoke.
guest · 5 years ago
Well, he doubled the national debt, and made every racial incident worse instead of defusing them. He managed to get government to control more of health insurance--which might be good if there was a sustainable plan to pay for it--but kicked the can down the road for people in a few years to figure out. For a few key congressional votes, he allowed those congressional districts' states to be exempt from the health insurance law! If it's so good, why were they exempt from It? Bowing to foreign leaders and buckling under to other countries and the UN on many issues instead of putting US interests first are some more reasons to not care for him.
On the birth certificate, a US president *must* be a naturally born citizen. If I have to show a bunch of documentation to get a Real ID drivers license, why did Obama drag out showing his birth certificate to prove that he met the law to be eligible for the presidency?
If the world lost oxygen for 5 seconds 19 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"There would be giant insects" doesn't make sense because gravity would stay the same. An insect's leg or fang would increase in weight at the cube of the ratio of scaling (because its weight is proportional to volume) but its strength to lift that appendage would only go up with the square of the scaling (muscle cross sectional area). Regardless of oxygen, the forces at work on earth drive why it's most efficient for tiny creatures to be constructed one way and large ones to be completely different.
I can relate to this 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Killing yourself is the very opposite of surviving.
This hit me hard 25 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Same here , in high school. I discovered that it became less so in college, and much less the case later with friends I made at work, in church, and other activities. I think its because "friends" in high school are often same-age people forced to be in the same place. The "friendships" don't stick as much as with those you befriend later by choice rather than in HS because of proximity. Although, a few HS friends might stay in your life.
Details please! 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Tell you His exact words? Some guys wrote that down in a book for,you.
I think I've found the Monsters Inc. Headquarters in South Korea 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It's a-door-able!
omfg chill lady 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
So....she's wearing it because she's ugly?
Shrek is life 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
As a dad, my first thought was along these lines.
President at work 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
OMG...I'm triggered. I need my safe space.
That's what you get for friend zoning Batman 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Trying to,please a woman...
90s kids be like 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Teenagers: You destroyed the ice caps,with your global warming!
Also teenagers: Can you drive me to Jessica's,,then come get me in an hour?
90s kids be like 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Sorry we cleaned up the air pollution and water pollution that got left to us. Sorry college expenses are higher because you have to have air conditioning, gourmet food and computers instead of what we had. I can't apologize for all the participation trophies and telling you that you were good at everything because I didn't do that to my kids but observed plenty of parents--like,yours apparently--turning their little darlings into fragile little snowflakes. Let's did we ruin the housing market? Maybe let you live at home rent-free in your mid 20s, which distorted the market? Maybe being able to,afford a nice house after working for 20 years but you can't afford that nice of a house (in the trendy hipster district) for your first home? IDK, you tell me how we destroyed the housing market for you.
My opinion 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
He (or she) didn't talk shit about it...just that the content of the music relieves the guilt of downloading it without paying.
I owe her a lot 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
There once was a poet named OP
Who made a post that was dopey...
Critisize 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
And you immediately disputed that, proving his (or her) point.
Oh man 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
So then...they fought LESS strongly for the rest of their comrades with whom They weren't...errrr...tail gunners?
Sir patrick on domestic violence 38 comments
guest · 5 years ago
'Patrick Stewart is so spot on saying "men should never use violence. Ever." So I'll refrain from using violence unless someone hits me, in which case I'll hit back.'

So, what part of "never. Ever." Is so confusing?

Also, I wish I had a nickel for everyone who said or wrote how nobody would ever hit them without getting hit back but then melted into a puddle of goo when something actually happened.
Do you think about work at home? 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I Dont think about work at work.
I don't understand why they're not paying me more.
Agreed 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That's what happens when you gather a bunch of Women's Studies, Art History and Modern Dance majors.
Real life Call of Duty 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
American 18 year olds: Need a safe space to protect them from people who might say things that upset them.
One thing I've learned in my life 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Now the media has little to gain by portraying him as stupid or focusing on the foibles everyone has....forgetting the name of someone you were introduced to along with another dozen people, bumping into a glass door because it's the "pull" side and not the "push." You can find all sorts of the same thing about the president right before and right after Bush, but the press and TV didn't dwell on those things. Remember when Obama didn't know how to pronounce Marine Crops, and said Marine corpse?
2099: Columbine laser tag? 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yeah, ships,didn't sink prior to the Titanic, those old times wooden ones were da bomb, yo.
Just why 18 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Also, giving money to homeless doesn't prevent another country from invading you, or screwing with your overseas interests.
Yeah, your daily source of fun b*tch 24 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It really wasn't "legal." The perpetrators were tried for Crimes Against Humanity after the war.

Also, as long as we're making a list, we can add abortion and affirmative action to the list of legal things.
I just want to help my fellow citizens 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I support a couple local groups that provide shelter and food for the homeless. They're mostly staffed by volunteers and everyone cares about the job they're doing and not just punching a clock for a union job.i also am part of a volunteer group that builds wheelchair ramps for handicapped and elderly people who can't pay for that work.

So anybody who says he'd gladly pay for others to get taken care of can instead support these types of organizations, rather than expecting everyone to pay more in taxes and filtering the money through the hands of paid administrators. Unfortunately, my experience is that 90% of those who build themselves up by SAYING they'd pay more really won't support these groups when it comes down to,opening their wallet.
I wonder how Snowden feels 34 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Nixon wasn't "forced" In that the law required him to resign, but he was forced to,resign because the media circus made his presidency ineffective. There was also the possibility of being impeached, so he resigned due to the logical, "forced" is not wrong.

Also, only two US Presidents have ever been impeached. Bill Clinton was one, so not only was he nearly the"first husband," but was nearly a very disgraced first spouse. His impeachment cost him his license to practice law, but with all those organizations throwing money at the Clinton Foundation for Bill to speak, he didn't really need to practice law anyway. Also, he pardoned billionaire tax cheat Marc Rich just before leaving office in January of 2001, and coincidentally, Marc Rich donated a half million to Hillary's senate campaign and another many hundreds of thousands to Bill's presidential library fund. So the Clintons weren't broke due to the impeachment.
That face reminds me of Yellow Diamond 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That's not bad grammar, it's picking the wrong word.
The quote of the day 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This bending over backwards to compliment women is condescending, and sounds like a beta cuck trying to ingratiate himself with women cuz he's got nothing else going on.
Ice core from Antarctic Ice. The dark band is a layer of volcanic ash 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I,wonder if that amount of volcanic ash affected the climate long before there were SUVs.