
Overwrought long roasted Marten 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Supports my impression that many so-called friendzoned guys are just doucheflutes who are not really friends but pretty lazy stalkers. They like to be as close to their object of desire as possible but don't want to risk anything, least of all rejection. They like to play victim, when in many cases the woman doesn't even know he's interested in her like that. Turns out some girls believe someone playing their friend is just their friend and don't expect a friend to lie to their faces on a daily basis for years. Oh, what a catch they're missing.
Doesn't means there aren't women/girls who abuse boys/men by actively friendzoning them, otoh females sort of fancy males with at least half-decently working testicles and staying in an involuntary friendzone isn't exactly ballsy.