Feminism at its best 33 comments
· 11 years ago
It's the same with racism too. I didn't enslave you fucks, so why don't you start taking responsibility for your failures rather than blaming it on the white man.
Are We Feeling A Little Freudian Today? 15 comments
· 11 years ago
There was a study released this week that found that girls brains develop more quickly and become more efficient and streamlined by the age of about 10, while boys on average had to wait until 20. The way they described it was being at a noisy party at first, and then gradually people disappear until you can only hear the person you are talking to (this is just a metaphor by the way). This means girls thoughts are less random and distracted which makes them more efficient thinkers before boys, however it also makes them less imaginative and creative. In boys, the constant barrage of thoughts from all directions continues ten years longer, meaning they will experiment for longer, and get distracted quicker. The result is that boys can quite easily go from being completely immature one second, to being top of their class the next because they still have neural networks that haven't yet been pruned away like girls have. So in a very real sense, girls have no idea how boys brains work