
Horizon zero dawn is real 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I think there were cheaper ways to make a human..
IQ 20 comments
guest · 6 years ago
IQ 20 comments
guest · 6 years ago
My IQ is 146, it means I am in the 0.1% of human population with similar IQ levels. I do feel smarter than others on moments, but not always and especially not when it comes to social interactions. I had to learn to mimic others in their behavior. And I have not accomplished much in my life. I married, moved to another country and am bilingual, but also can understand 3-4 other languages even though I've never learned them. I believe if I had better conditions when growing up like better school, not being dirt poor, having the opportunity to learn more languages, I would've brought so much good to this society. But sadly, no opportunities for a smart, poor kid growing up in a backward country, and loads of opportunities for rich and spoiled kids growing up in wealthy countries equals bad society on the verge of collapse. I wish there was a mandatory IQ test in every school in the world. We should be given equal opportunities based on our IQ's and not on our wealth.