Unwholesome 6 comments
· 5 years ago
So hot
'Nice and Easy" 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Some of us like to win. In order for us to win, the rest of you have to be losers
It just might work 1 comments
This is what the kid of a coal miner drew 4 comments
In love and in war 7 comments
Does it really matter? 3 comments
· 5 years ago
My brother and parents never let me win. When I started winning by myself, the feeling of pride was indescribable.
Kevin 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I think he’s less concerned with what happens after she gets there, as much as getting her there in the first place
Damnit karen! 1 comments
· 5 years ago
I feel bad for real Karen’s who are decent people. The name just fits the description unfortunately
Japanese are still most cultured and well mannered people in the world 11 comments
· 5 years ago
It’s ironic that the Japanese have the world beat at basically everything, they make the best stuff, design the best ways, are well behaved and disciplined, and then 32 feet across the sea the Chinese behave like undomesticated animals
Wild game in Japan where some part of the door is made of chocolate and you have to bite.. 9 comments
It's been 2 1/2 years and I still miss her everyday 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Man, hang the dude who posted this.. I don’t need to hear this shit. 2.5 years later...
Please someone tell me this feeling goes away sooner.. or at all
Please someone tell me this feeling goes away sooner.. or at all
Intellingence is overrated 13 comments
What is your country's fear? 8 comments
· 6 years ago
We should get married. It’ll always be exciting. I’ll keep doing stupid shit, and one day you’ll kill me.
Welcome to 2019 ! 5 comments
· 6 years ago
No hate. Just anger, and tremendous, deep-seated annoyance towards society for tolerating such rampant stupidity. Can’t deal with it
Welcome to 2019 ! 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Fuck this is so accurate.. I bet they all self identify as black Apache helicopters, emphasis on the black, and get offended. Y everything the empire does. I wonder if they have other mental illnesses, like anti-vax philosophy
What is your country's fear? 8 comments
Loved this post 5 comments
· 6 years ago
I disagree with this. I’m 25 and there’s a lady who I work with who IMO is straight milf material. She’s at least 50. She hasn’t got s perfect body, not even a perfect ass, but it’s round AF and Idk how to describe her attractiveness.. all I know is I waaaant her. When I’m with girls, including long term relationships, I literally spend ALL the time grabbing their butts. I see this being me when I’m 90 and like 700mg of viagra doesn’t work. It also helps that girls loooove having their butts grabbed
Speaking the truth 16 comments
· 6 years ago
Jesus.. you’re advanced stupid. Epic stupid. Biblical stupid. You’re parents must be ashamed, that or they’re the scum that raised you like this.
Steve Irwin feeding a tiger (Happy Birthday, Steve) 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Ok, but can we just appreciate that this is basically an adolescent kitten as far as tigers go, and he’s got his scratchers wrapped around Steve’s arm. And Steve’s just grinning like, he’s not about to die
It do be like that sometimes 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Most of y’all never had to grow up with parents who were so harsh, as an adult when you confronted them to you get to tell them that growing up in their house was like growing up in prison, or a concentration camp. I call my parents Hitler and Ava, and I don’t speak to them anymore. I don’t, really, love them anymore except for that lingering attachment you just really get rid of. I wish I’d had different parents.. better yet I wish I had never been born