
Cashew Apples 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Cashew folktale:
"As God was creating the world he was approached by the Devil, who was upset that he had not been allowed to make something. So, in an act of kindness, God asked the Devil to make a fruit.
The Devil went to work and formed what we now know as the Cashew fruit. He took it to God and said, “See? I can make something just as good as your creations.”
On looking it over, God asked, “But where is the seed?”
The Devil, realising his mistake, just muttered, “Oh, I’ll stick it here.” And with that, placed the seed on the bottom of the fruit."
You just can't pick and eat a cashew nut - you would be eating the most toxic substance you can imagine. The nuts have to be individually picked from the fruit, then the toxins have to be extracted through drying or roasting, and then the nuts can be eaten safely. That's why they're so expensive.
Since they are destroying our forests. It could be like trash challenge 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Hmmm this article was written in 2005.
Now 15 years later, the UN, Green New Deal and socialist bullsh#t govt's blame 'climate change' for mismanagement of forests.
"Dr. Jackson stresses that planting trees is not a bad thing but schemes that are not well thought through can be environmentally harmful."
"Plantations effect on stream flow sucked water out of the ground and evaporated from their leaves, reducing flow by half. 13% of streams dried up. This had effects downstream where less water would be available for plants and animals."
"If you take the perspective that no matter what, more trees are better, that’s going to have unintended consequence."
Replace emotions with logic - Mother Earth is begging you!
How perfectly shaped Palmanova is. (Town in Italy) 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"Like a big pizza sky...That's Amore"
The old gods and the new demand that women hide themselves 35 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I would like to see people's comments and support if the 'real issue' is actually presented in banning the burka and niqab. By presenting this debate only using the hijab is a cowered move and is used as a click bait.
This is very sad ladies and gents 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I actually don't mind the debate whether or not the earth is flat.
Healthy debate and brainstorming is entertaining, and who knows, maybe something is learnt on both sides - even if it is minuscule.
It's when a regime walks in and insists that the earth is flat (for example) and places censorship policies on all information on how the earth is round - that's the line, we as a society, have to pay attention to.
They are as evil as they used to be regardless of their new friendly face 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Put your pitchforks down!
"You cannot legally make any product with Disney lyrics, quotes, or characters on it without permission from The Walt Disney World Company."
All images are theirs. Period. They worked damn hard creating an empire of characters and have every right to not give out permission to use their images.
And if they do happen to give out permissions, it would be the Disney corporation creating the images/drawings b/c of their intense branding guidelines.
Rather than drumming up complaints and pointing your pitchforks at them as you yell how awful their 'corporation' is, maybe create a proposal and present it to them to explain they're missing out on great marketing idea and that if they won't do it their competitors will.
"the billionaire" 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Wow, Soros and his “partners” of the Democracy Alliance are out in full force lately on this website. It's sad that FunSubstance has been infiltrated by this "elite invitation-only club of uber-rich donors who are credited with dumping hundreds of millions of dollars into political campaigns and radical movements". (Quote from link below)
"Activist foundations like; Rockefeller Family Fund, Surdna Foundation, Solidago Foundation, Tides Foundation, JK Irwin Foundation, Arca Foundation, and Wyss Foundation" are pushing out these so called 'environmental' posts to give an illusion there's good in the world. When really they're silently slipping in the latest craze - the socialist based, 'Green New Deal'.
Careful what you're falling for. Cheers!
Just statin' the facts 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Wow the 'Green New Deal' bots are out in full force lately on the FunSubstance site.
Hey some good news 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Hello, I'm a first time poster, but a long time lurker. Thought I'd pass this on to you. Hope you find a little bit of joy from it. (And I hope it's true ;)