
Nine nine! 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
He also did a great job of playing anther top-notch character in Homicide: Life On The Street. But whatever network that was on kept changing the day it showed, then semi-canceled it for a while, then brought it back, then canceled it for good because there weren't enough people watching it. So, we lost an excellent show with good stories and good characters.
Words! 39 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Plus, every law puts a burden of proof on every person and entity that they're complying. So, some company can have a hard time justifying some people getting paid more than others when some people simply outperform others because they then have to show that the lower performers were given equal opportunities.

You'd think that the top performing salesman (or saleswoman) could legally earn more because of better results, but some will complain that he serves the more profitable customers, or the company will have to prove that there's no activity that only benefits that top person (like membership in a certain club where business is conducted). There ends up being a burden of proof that you're complying, not on the person who accuses discrimination. I put "you'd think" at the beginning of this paragraph because bad logic or data seems to be accepted. The "women earn X% of men's pay" is based on all jobs across all levels of experience, which doesn't make any sense.
Truly alarming but I still do it for the love of the profession. . 18 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Some people borrow A LOT of money to get a college degree and maybe a graduate degree from their dream college without any thought to being able to pay off the loans. Some people HAVE to,live in San Francisco or New York, and love the lifestyle but never cease to complain about the cost.

But, OK, tax me more to pay teachers more. I get four weeks of vacation, and teachers get the whole summer plus a couple weeks at Christmas. How will you tax them their time off to transfer some of that to me?
Quadratic logarithms 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
No, she's explaining it to the "doubters" who must have tried to correct her in another spot.

Also, Prof. of Women's Studies?
Himalayan salt 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
also, with people getting on the various bandwagons for sea salt, Himalayan salt, etc., people are starting to get iodine deficiencies, which iodized table salt was designed to correct. But there's no iodine in these designer salts, or in the salt that is added to snacks like chips.
Infinite destruction 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That saying came from one of Bill Clinton's "apologies" for one of the various times getting caught in illegal activities...I think the time he fired the White House travel staff and installed his Arkansas friends in doing those functions. He didn't even admit to making mistakes, as in "I made mistakes" or "we made mistakes;" It was all passive, like it was uncontrollable as the weather or something.
I'm "innocent" untill proven guilty 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I grew up,in the 1960s/1970s, plus moved to a different town after college. So, no internet record of my stupid stuff plus nobody here even saw or heard about it.
Dogs > Rats 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
18 year olds during WWII: Invade Sicily and Normandy, defeat tyranny, face horror.
18 year olds nowadays: Safe space, trigger warnings, anyone who might have different ideas and say them out loud us a Nazi.
Cooking up trouble 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Sorry, even thinking wrong thoughts is illegal now. Hate speech, Nazis, etc. when listening to rap music, you'd better self-censor the n word in your mind, too.
Times have changed 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yeah, WW2 was really insensitive.
Must win no matter what 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You also can't push backwards using a leg that's behind you, so he's losing a lot of leverage.
Being on tinder 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Now add in more illusion from makeup and support undergarments and you have women's profiles.
Anon sees some nice boobs 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The swanfather 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Or, on a non-German keyboard, Niess.
Internet funnymen 20 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Girls are now past pumpkin spice (and Ugg boots) and are currently into licking buttholes and bitching about enormous student loans they took out willingly to major in something with little monetary return.

And avocados, for some reason. 2019 will probably be the last year for that, it appears.
****ing Millennials 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The headline is "tongue in cheek." It's actually a good thing to reduce the need for the divorce "industry." But at least someone managed to get offended by that, so it's true to Milennial form.
S h r e c k ' d 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
People trade insult for insult, negativity for negativity. It's great when someone can break the cycle, but hamplanet got no worse than the gave, and she's the one that started with that $#+.
The face of disappointment 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It's a good thing he gave himself an out, that is, allowing himself till age 105 rather than only waiting until racism was handed. The United States still has so much racism in it, like scholarships available only for people of a certain race, or other people losing their jobs and or reputations for something like quoting song lyrics accurately, or having appeared in the costume with painted face that wasn't important decades ago but now suddenly it's decided that it's an insult.
Looks like cookies 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
As a homeowner, all I see is more stuff going down the drain into,the,septic system that has a hard time breaking down and will lead to an earlier failure of the drain field.
Looking at my grades I think stripping is a way to go 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
1. Sometimes you have to get out,of your comfort zone to succeed.

2. Many times, when you say "there's nothing I can do," there still something you can do.
I'll give you my kidney 19 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Plot twist: Now,you can't take the life saving drugs you need to stay alive after some minor infection or something we just take,for,granted nowadays.
9 year old kid accused of sexual assault? 26 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I wonder how many similar instances there have been, but no cameras to back up the person who "simply bumped into" the accuser, but then got caught in the #AlwaysBeliveTheWoman campaign.
Gotta cleanse the soul 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Girls...don' that, do they?
Potatoes is life 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Corn on the cob, cornbread and bourbon.

Wheat can become bread, weissbier....
This page 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Fire all the white cis males, and hire a diverse team of LGBTQXYZ multiracial non binary coders.
Stop this bullshit 32 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The meme isn't saying the parents should be put in jail for pet abuse or that the child should be monitored for sociopathic tendencies. It says that you shouldn't let your kid roughhouse too much with a dog. Stop adding more baggage to that, and take the good advice for what it is.
Gigantic 12-year-old basketball player dominates his competition 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
1. In Indiana, 12 year olds play on regulation height baskets. Even 10 year olds do. That basket looks to be 8' and not the regulation 10'.

2. I hope he learns the fundamentals. There's a powerful inclination to just stand there and let your 20" greater reach let the balls come to you. I see many middle school phenoms that can't do anything in high school because suddenly their physical gifts aren't enough by themselves, or even are negated when others catch up to early height or strength advantages.
Curing marxism 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The smart students would transfer to another epsection of that course, where the grades are awarded on merit rather than via group.

A better example would be where everyone worked at a coop for however many hours they wanted, but all money was divided equally regardless of hours worked or types of jobs done ( stock shelves, plan in network, clean bathrooms). All the students would need to shop there as well.
Scooby dooby doo 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Black audience: "DON'T GO IN THERE! LOOK OUT BEHIND THE DOOR!!! OOOOOHHHH YOU GONE GET IT!! YYYYAAAARRRGGGHHH," with some of them jumping out of their seats and more than a few actually running around while screaming that.
Dark tomatoes 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
An oxidant? Maybe it's an *antioxidant.*
Like a boss 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Huh. In the US, there were many incidents of a president sexually assaulting women while he was still governor, and his wife ruined the careers and reputations of all the accusers. So, they weren't proud of it.
White tears 24 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I hate them so much.
Anon plays a taxi driver 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
But why? Why do that to someone who did you no,wrong?
People need to know this 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
So much for my SJW strategy.
Chris Farley 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The two best SNL sketches:
The American tourist that accidentally got on a Japanese game show
The "Little Women" period part where they were ice skating
Heyooo it's your boi 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Two,or three minutes of "Please like this video and follow me and also go to my website..."
Only 90s kids will get it 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I'm in the generation that worked for 25 years at a company that promised a pension, then went bankrupt and discharged that obligation through a court order, and exited bankruptcy as a perfectly healthy company (once they didn't have to pay benefits and others debts owed).

Rather than point out that it's certainly possible for any of you to learn the new technologies and profit from that, I'll just mention something else. There's a lot of life that's driven by right place/right time. If you happen to retire at the beginning of the stock market Boom, you probably got 30 years in and ended with more money than you started with despite not having to cut back on expenses. Other people died a few years before some drug or technology was developed that would have allowed them to live a long and satisfying life. There's a certain amount of randomness, and I guess I shouldn't bitch that you've noticed one aspect of yours.
African American 22 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yeah, no matter how,you say it, one will take umbrage at being called black, another will be insulted by the term African American. So, there's no winning, just more serious levels of losing.
How is it 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This is another instance of a tattoo with a person attached, rather than a person with an interesting and/or attractive tattoo.

Note: You do not have to live your life based in my opinion or approval.
I might be wrong, but this is how I see it 18 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I have a professional job, and like most people I know, respect everyone I meet until given a reason not to. When working on a product or process design, I always seek out the opinions of the people who will implement it, be they assembly line workers or mail room people, or machinists or whatever. They can sometimes point out the non-obvious weaknesses. I also don't think someone needs to have a college degree or live in a certain area to have a worthwhile point of view.

But, it's very common to have to "swim upstream" against the idea that because I have a degree, have a professional job, and don't speak like an idiot that I must be looking down on people who feel inferior. There's a prejudice that gets put on me that I actually don't have. So, who's prejudging someone in actuality?
Could as well have been 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
So, it was actually funny for the first time in years?
Economics 101 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Most of you are too young to recall the special wealth tax that got added in 1990 or '91. A lot of working class people were thrilled...until they didn't have jobs at Cadillac, boat companies, resorts, and many other luxury type things that "the rich" decided to go without. The top 50% of US taxpayers pay 98% of federal income taxes, so nearly half of us are getting a free ride.

But what if "the rich" are compelled to give less money to the government...what happens? If they spend it, it goes to provide jobs for people who make the items or provide the service. If they save it, it goes into a bank that lends it to people who want a mortgage to buy a home. If they invest it, it goes to companies to propel the economy forward.

Every tax has unintended consequences. Whenever I'm reading about an investment that doesn't seem to make sense, looking below the surface reveals a tax incentive to do that thing. So, it might not profit, but the after tax benefits drive it.
Already a badass at age 11 :( 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
meanwhioe, we need a safe space to bitch about college loans and how there aren't enough high paying jobs in the fields of Art History, Interpretive Dance, and Grievance Studies,
I don’t want to think about this 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I graduated high school in 1978, and. My 40th reunion was last year. There are some references in "That 70s Show" that make it seem like it's set in 1977 (went to see Star Wars at the theater). So, it's been as long since the show started as it was from the time the show was set until the show started.

The Rock is a poetic genius 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I think I'm going to start doing that. Err, that is, Guest will start doing that.
First aid, self defence and so on. 30 comments
guest · 5 years ago
How can anyone NOT balance a checkbook? Money out (checks written and fees) minus money in (deposits plus interest) equals how much less you have now vs. how much you had the last time youmreconciled all the statements.
A wristband emergency flotation device 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Have you ever had a near drowning experience? You need something like a life jacket that keeps your head above water, not something that will keep,your arm extended overhead while your face remains a foot or two below the surface.
Jesus, he's stupid 16 comments
guest · 5 years ago
His comments are in response to all those people who used "hottest day in 20 years" and "hottest summer on record" as proof *of* climate change. His counterpoint, however simplistic, is equal to,some of the junk pushed by climate change promoters.

The US and other developed countries have reduced emissions of greenhouse gases, but any further improvement can't counteract all the impact from China and India. So before we wreck the developed world's economies over a few percent, the massive influence of the few mega polluters needs to be addressed.
The banks remember 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Did you take out those loans willingly, or were you somehow coerced? Did you take care to keep,your costs low so as to minimize your necessary loans, or didmyoumgo,for the ultimate college experience and deny yourself no fun or pleasure during your time there? Did you study something that can act as a launching point for a good career that allows you to,pay back those loans, or did you just study something you enjoyed and presume everything would work out?
When two monkeys are unfairly rewarded for the same task 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Luckily, humans don't share that trait, which is why socialism can work. We're all so altruistic that we don't mind working at more demanding jobs, or ones that require difficult and specialized training, for the same pay as easy ones because everyone will have his/her/its/their needs met. Well, what the State defines as "needs" at least.