
The ultimate evidence that God exists 18 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Also, in the US, a lot of what gets called "white privilege" is the better start someone gets if:
-His/her parents are married and he/she lives with them
-Parents graduated from high school
-Parents waited until they were married to have children.

The Black community gets excused for men having multiple baby mamas and not providing any support or even presence. In fact, it's excused even more by the white-guilt people because calling out a minority for its self-destructive behavior is apparently racist. But don't worry, the white community is attempting to,equalize things by excusing its own destructive actions so soon it will descend to the level of the worst minorities' actions.
I'm blue... Da ba dee da ba [don't] die 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
When I was traveling in Switzerland, I stopped off in a park with my wife and infant in a stroller. I noticed across the way there was a group shooting up (heroin, I think), and they were using over meant supplied needles. So, it seems like the Swiss are giving mixed messages.
Wholesome life 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I decided to read this as instructions, and did each thing. It felt like a 20 pound backpack fell off of me.
Miscreant true sticky Donkey 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
She's is really really full of herself and her character, and seems to think its the world's largest advance for women to take an originally male character and make that a woman. I couldn't bear to even go to the movie because of all the pre-release press from her on how great she was, how great her female character was, and how anyone who didn't like her or the movie was a misogynist.
Future 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Right...she's terrified, so of course we should listen to her. Hell, the next child is afraid of zombie alien gorilla clowns, so we should put our effort in protecting against that because children have such unfiltered wisdom.
I'll wait 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
OMG...the time I put my hands on my wife's throat lightly, and she said "oh yes, choke me!" It was incredible.
Them Romans where a wild bunch 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"Ladies and gentlemen, gladiators and concubines! Tonight's play is by Quentinus Tanrantinus..."

Actors: Oh shit.
Respect Death 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Imagine if the Grim Reaper took off a couple months, so people didn't die...people in agony from injury or disease or burns, someone mangled by a shark attack and another person trapped under tons of rock in a mine cave in...someone who is brain dead but has to stick around because his body has worn out but life inexplicably remains.
What an apple 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I was once at a fancy French restaurant with a woman. After the meal, they asked us if we wanted a "digestif," which is a strong after dinner drink to settle the meal. One of the liqueurs was "anise flavored," and she turned up her nose at the description. It turns out that she thought she was being offered a liquor that was "anus flavored."
Remember her? 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Dash, you don't award the Nobel Peace a prize to someone who you think is a great guy. You also shouldn't award one to someone for "what he's going to,do."

But then agains, Yasser Arafat was awarded one, so it doesn't mean anything.
Lent 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Roman Catholics don't eat meat on Fridays during Lent. Although Catholicism is one type of Christianity, no other denominations have that provision. Having spent half my life Catholic and another half Protestant, it surprises me that a Catholic would fail to make the distinction, to the point where I doubt certain aspects of this story. If the kids had a very observant Catholic mom, they certainly would have been attending catechism class and know all about this stuff (which is why I do).
Luxuriant high-pitched Leopard 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The mechanics of the act may be repeatable by a robot or machine, but I don't see how it could fake *enthusiasm*.
Of course not, dear! 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Same argument for murdering an adult. However, society is against that. So, there are rules against doing it and punishments for breaking those rules.

For the "I wouldn't know or care" argument, the same goes for someone killing you in your sleep or with poison that puts,you to sleep before stopping your heart.

I'm not saying this is an easy or simple topic, but the pro abortion arguments so far have been bad ones.
Photo taken today on European Parliament election 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Did anybody else notice one guy missed the boat on period-appropriate footwear, with those construction boots, and another guy is wearing socks with his sandals?
Canadian Bill board humour 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yeah, hitting that deer at 10 mph over the speed limit will be drastically different than hitting at the speed limit.
Clinton's email server 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
When Trump is still the least bad alternative.

All the current Dem candidates said they'd choose to give free health care to illegal immigrants. That's despite not having such a thing for citizens or even just veterans. How could any of them be elected after agreeing with such a stupid statement?
Brexit Update! 16 comments
guest · 5 years ago
How DARE the British want control over their borders, rather than rely on the EU politicians to make those decisions. In fact, more countries should be annexed into the EU even if it has to be against their will, and any country that doesn't want to join should be ridiculed just as hard as we're ridiculing the UK for voting to leave.
Imagine if 23 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You probably are seeing a lot of closed mindedness and ignorance, but also some rational doubt because we've all seen unqualified women hired so someone can check off a diversity box. An ex-supervisor once bragged that the black woman he hired allowed him to check off two boxes from his "promotes diversity" item from his key job elements. She was competent and easy to work with, but when she moved to a different group, her replacement (a new hire out of engineering school) fixed two nagging long term problems in the first month.
From virtual reality to reality 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Wait...taking responsibility to "do something" about an issue, and not protest that the government isn't spending enough money to take care of it? WTH?
Basketball is a left-wing hoax. The NBA players are all crises actors. Wake up! 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Tbh, we can observe basketball existing. There are a lot of other debatable things that people are excoriated for doubting but their existence is extrapolated from recent data.

Or, something exists, but the claim that it's caused by man is in question because such a thing has existed from millenia before man came on the scene.
Filthy obese absorbing Grouse 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Speaks for itself 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Why must men shut up about what they perceive as murder? Must only people who have have experienced a crime have an opinion about that crime? Can't a woman who had ne'er been assaulted have an opinion about those who assault women? If I see a man beat up a woman, must I have no opinion on that because I haven't been beaten?
The most loyal employee 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
When my company laid off 8000 out of the 10,500 of us, and canceled our pensions despite some of us being there a long time (25 years for me), I knew that there wasn't any "loyalty" going my way. In my group, five people got laid off and I got the work from four and a half of them. We also had Temporary Layoff weeks each quarter to save the company some of our salaries, and they asked me to take an extra one in one quarter. No raises for five years out of seven. When there were raises, they didn't make up for what we lost against inflation in the years there weren't raises, and barely covered the additional costs of paying more for benefits.
You can imagine my thoughts when the subject of company loyalty comes up. Or, when after 5 or 6 years, a presentation included the phrase "people are our most important resource." But, I keep my mouth shut at work and vent to you guys, so thanks for reading.
I am between one year and two years from "pursuing other objectives;" feels good.
Beauty and the Beast: Asshole Edition 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I'm especially good at E-Jac-U-Lating!
We don't destroy everything 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
First off, as a 59 year old, let me apologize for the @$$#0€$ of my generation. But, let me also say that I'm pretty sure you'd consider me a good tipper. I don't tip less than a buck, even on a dollar coffe because taking your order and keeping the coffee cup refilled has got to be worth more than 15 cents. On meals, I always calculate 15% then round up to the next major increment for average service, more for good to exceptional service.
Bobby Fischer playing 50 opponents simultaneously, 1964. He won 47 of the matches, drew 2 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
He played 50, won 47, and had a draw in 2. That means he lost 1...there aren't many possibilities.
Miss Slovenia and Miss Poland 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Not recognizing and promoting Diversity, therefore in violation of our modern standards of Tolerance and Acceptance.
Fake news 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Hmmm...potentially embarrassing, awkward or job-losing situation...better post it on social media.
The more you know 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Whoever posted that is single or is a woman wanting men to clean more but conveniently forgot about a lot of arguments. Do you know how many WRONG ways there are to clean? Did you know that the pile,of junk on the table has a certain order that you ruined by moving in order to clean? Did you know that pile of clothes is actually several piles that are grouped a certain way.

Yeah, single people, keep,giving me marriage advice.
As it were 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yes...much better to kill the children than subject them to the 50th worst education. I also heard that a fourth of our states are in the lowest quartile of education. Someone needs to fix that, too.
Passage du Gois 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
To be accurate, since it's France, the road disappears under four meters of water.
These four guys are heroes 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
All women should boycott this development because it wasn't developed by a diverse team, but by four men. Fight the patriarchy!

In fact, we should all stop saying boycott, but start saying youthcot to be more tolerant of those who don't cis-identify. Youthcot the word boycott!
It’s a step in the right direction and I’m proud of them 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
But it makes people FEEL like they're "doing something" even if it doesn't really do any good.
Holy gasoline batman 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Easy enough to check. "OK, show us your car, and give me the keys so I can check the fuel level."
Public libraries don’t get enough love 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That's really nice for them to supply all that stuff, but isn't there a certain amount of waste? I get that someone who doesn't have toothpaste might also need deodorant, but if a woman prefers pads or tampons, isn't the other one going to be discarded? Or is it better to have both than to have to ask for things like that separately? Or is the cost small compared to being able,to give out one thing that works for all?
And for the schnitzel of course! 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Some are fewer than three away.
A Jewish perspective 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"We see the embryo as part of the mother's body..." Well, nowadays we understand genetics, and the embryo has a different genetic makeup as the mother.

Seriously, before you bad mouth Christianity, understand that the prolife people are against convenience abortions, not ones necessary to save the mothers life. The book I read had an interview with a doctor, who said he had never experienced that situation, so it's not occurring every day.
Uncover boss spin off "Underpaid boss" 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Do they get to stay with the parent(s) who provide the home, food, car, insurance, phone and cable for the lowest paid employee who is a part time employee while getting his/her degree?
Truck driver showing the effects of sun damage - left side of his face was exposed to 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Scientists, doctors, skin care experts: Use sunscreen!
Everyone: LOL
Can you name another? 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Killed his brother, attempted to kill his nephew
put a lame curse on someone that could even be broken.
Classic! 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
If you are a strong independent woman who don't need no man, why didn't you think ahead and plan for the changing weather? I guess that's as unreasonable as thinking you might look down at the toilet seat to see if it's up or down before sitting.
What would Axe body spray do then 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
So, jtizzle says that in some cases, men's products aren't the same as women's. My guess is that it was in repsonse to a comment how women's stuff costs more than men's, and that's just unfair, to which someone responded that you can just use the men's item. So, in essence, this shows that the women's products that are different have a reason to be more expensive.
Something shady definitely going on here 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
How I interpreted this:
The family I babysit for bought a third car FOR ME TO USE because it's convenient for them to have me drive their kids around in a car they own because I have no car of my own (or perhaps it's a $#+ box that's not safe for the kids). If one of the kids is, say, 12, then that can be his/her car in a few years. If one of the kids is 12, the parents Amy still need a baysitter because of everyone going different directions for sports, music and extracurricular activities.
Fortunate superficial spotless Lobster 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Interesting the point that this supports:
The west should try to reduce pollution to the extent that it affects the local environment (don't litter, vehicle emissions standards) but don't wreck our economies trying to eliminate our small portion of global impact while India and China keep putting out most of the world's air pollution and ocean junk, which we can't affect by banning plastic straws. Then when we discover technical/industrial means to really help global pollution, we'll have the financial means to actually do it.
Fire book 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That atually captures the mentality of today: Be "tolerant" of all viewpoints that you personally like or at least don't dislike, but if you might be in danger of hearing a point or position you don't like, define it as "Nazi" and you suddenly become justified in blocking anyone else from possibly hearing it aand using violence to prevent anyone from trying to explain the position you don't want to hear.
Living amuck earsplitting Opossum 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That hateful comment pretty much proved the original point she was trying to make.
Reuse 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Is this one of those things where it takes a lot of energy to collect the coffee grounds, transport the coffee grounds to a factory, mix the grounds with a binding agent, press the grounds into a shape and heat the shape so it retains its form when subjected to hot wet coffee, but it makes people *feel* very environmentally conscious as long as they don't notice that its energy cost is higher than just using normal cups?
An interesting fact 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You also forgot to rally the anti-patriarchy people to refuse taking this drug invented by old white males.
Madlads 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
No! Only the United States is bad and has bad laws.
The goat 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
She's absolutely top notch at self aggrandizement and bitching about how men can't take her.