
what 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
flowers and blowjobs are not even in the same league. it's very healthy and necessary to verbally talk about ones desires in the sexual area because the wishes and turn-ons vary so immenselly between individuals. being able to ask for something in the bedroom and being indulged by your partner on the basis of mutual affection and respect is one of the nicest things one can have in life.
flowers however, are a different thing all together. we do not have to clearly communicate when and how we want to recieve flowers, other than pollen allergies, there are little to no circumstances where one wouldn't be able to enjoy flowers (while initiating a blowjob when one doesn't want to have sex might be largly unenjoyable so to speak) and you don't need one's permission to bring them flowers.
so, overall, do get people flowers spontaneously on way home from work but rethink giving people blowjobs in the spur of the moment on the way home, especially if you use public means of transportation.
Raspy exuberant adamant Tiger 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago