
Good luck europe 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Crawl out of your troll dungeon and use a little intelligence here Jason. Freedom of speech never has and never will mean you can threaten people at will. However, liberals are already far along the road to silencing any dissenting opinions, most insidiously by labeling anything they don't want to hear as "hate speech." Conservatives are routinely shut out of Facebook and Twitter, and forget about freedom of speech on any college campus. This is THE reason they constantly push for "gun control." An armed populace is the only thing standing between our founding principles and EU style fascism.
Good luck europe 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Absolutely where we are headed if the left have their way. In fact, this is exactly where we were under King George. This is the exact reason the founding fathers put the Bill of Rights in our Constitution.