
That's what you get for friend zoning Batman 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Trying to,please a woman...
90s kids be like 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Teenagers: You destroyed the ice caps,with your global warming!
Also teenagers: Can you drive me to Jessica's,,then come get me in an hour?
90s kids be like 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Sorry we cleaned up the air pollution and water pollution that got left to us. Sorry college expenses are higher because you have to have air conditioning, gourmet food and computers instead of what we had. I can't apologize for all the participation trophies and telling you that you were good at everything because I didn't do that to my kids but observed plenty of parents--like,yours apparently--turning their little darlings into fragile little snowflakes. Let's did we ruin the housing market? Maybe let you live at home rent-free in your mid 20s, which distorted the market? Maybe being able to,afford a nice house after working for 20 years but you can't afford that nice of a house (in the trendy hipster district) for your first home? IDK, you tell me how we destroyed the housing market for you.
My opinion 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
He (or she) didn't talk shit about it...just that the content of the music relieves the guilt of downloading it without paying.
I owe her a lot 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
There once was a poet named OP
Who made a post that was dopey...
Critisize 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
And you immediately disputed that, proving his (or her) point.
Oh man 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
So then...they fought LESS strongly for the rest of their comrades with whom They weren't...errrr...tail gunners?
Sir patrick on domestic violence 38 comments
guest · 5 years ago
'Patrick Stewart is so spot on saying "men should never use violence. Ever." So I'll refrain from using violence unless someone hits me, in which case I'll hit back.'

So, what part of "never. Ever." Is so confusing?

Also, I wish I had a nickel for everyone who said or wrote how nobody would ever hit them without getting hit back but then melted into a puddle of goo when something actually happened.
Do you think about work at home? 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I Dont think about work at work.
I don't understand why they're not paying me more.
Agreed 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That's what happens when you gather a bunch of Women's Studies, Art History and Modern Dance majors.
Real life Call of Duty 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
American 18 year olds: Need a safe space to protect them from people who might say things that upset them.
One thing I've learned in my life 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Now the media has little to gain by portraying him as stupid or focusing on the foibles everyone has....forgetting the name of someone you were introduced to along with another dozen people, bumping into a glass door because it's the "pull" side and not the "push." You can find all sorts of the same thing about the president right before and right after Bush, but the press and TV didn't dwell on those things. Remember when Obama didn't know how to pronounce Marine Crops, and said Marine corpse?
2099: Columbine laser tag? 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yeah, ships,didn't sink prior to the Titanic, those old times wooden ones were da bomb, yo.
Just why 18 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Also, giving money to homeless doesn't prevent another country from invading you, or screwing with your overseas interests.
Yeah, your daily source of fun b*tch 24 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It really wasn't "legal." The perpetrators were tried for Crimes Against Humanity after the war.

Also, as long as we're making a list, we can add abortion and affirmative action to the list of legal things.
I just want to help my fellow citizens 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I support a couple local groups that provide shelter and food for the homeless. They're mostly staffed by volunteers and everyone cares about the job they're doing and not just punching a clock for a union job.i also am part of a volunteer group that builds wheelchair ramps for handicapped and elderly people who can't pay for that work.

So anybody who says he'd gladly pay for others to get taken care of can instead support these types of organizations, rather than expecting everyone to pay more in taxes and filtering the money through the hands of paid administrators. Unfortunately, my experience is that 90% of those who build themselves up by SAYING they'd pay more really won't support these groups when it comes down to,opening their wallet.
I wonder how Snowden feels 34 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Nixon wasn't "forced" In that the law required him to resign, but he was forced to,resign because the media circus made his presidency ineffective. There was also the possibility of being impeached, so he resigned due to the logical, "forced" is not wrong.

Also, only two US Presidents have ever been impeached. Bill Clinton was one, so not only was he nearly the"first husband," but was nearly a very disgraced first spouse. His impeachment cost him his license to practice law, but with all those organizations throwing money at the Clinton Foundation for Bill to speak, he didn't really need to practice law anyway. Also, he pardoned billionaire tax cheat Marc Rich just before leaving office in January of 2001, and coincidentally, Marc Rich donated a half million to Hillary's senate campaign and another many hundreds of thousands to Bill's presidential library fund. So the Clintons weren't broke due to the impeachment.
That face reminds me of Yellow Diamond 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That's not bad grammar, it's picking the wrong word.
The quote of the day 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This bending over backwards to compliment women is condescending, and sounds like a beta cuck trying to ingratiate himself with women cuz he's got nothing else going on.
Ice core from Antarctic Ice. The dark band is a layer of volcanic ash 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I,wonder if that amount of volcanic ash affected the climate long before there were SUVs.
Always be nice to that weird kid at school 18 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Be nice to the weird kid, not because all humans deserve respect and dignity, but because he might turn out to be cute and rich.
Who's that system 21 comments
guest · 5 years ago
badasslatina: I think the reason that there has to be a capitalistic period before communism is so that all the needed things--machinery, factories, ways to obtain and refine raw materials--have to be in place. That is, before communism can be a parasite, there needs to be a host to provide ready resources. Under communism, the government can plan poorly for decades and still "live off of" the economic workings that they appropriated in the name of the workers.
Fate of the world in one hand 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Just the trees saved from having to get pron in print form is a huge advance.
My life as a parent 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This is how ALL of us dads feel when we talk to,our kids. Problem is, we're using references that are cool/hilarious/applicable to our generation, and falls flat on the next. You think you're going to sound cool when you talk to your kid, but he/she will roll her eyes at you because you'll sound exactly like when YOUR father does this same thing to you now. In fact, you'll sound even more out of touch because today's kids know my generation's songs thanks to commercials and Guitar Hero.
Really, why? 32 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Why does everyone who bitches about the US not being 100% metric still use 24 hour per day time and 60 minutes per hour time, and not come up with something metric? Why do you use 360 degrees In a full circle and not some new units where there are 100? Or why 2*pi radians in a circle and not 10 metric bleep-bloops, since everything that is not based on 10 is so damn hard to figure out?
He is cool 21 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"Girls don't like me, so maybe if I go way over the top on how life is unfair for girls, some will look at me positively and finally some will start to like me. Also, I'll make big points with other beta cuckolds, but mainly I want to connect with girls by being even more sympathetic than even other girls."