90's Kids when they become parents 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Is woody okay? Damn the eyes on his costume lol
Tight abundant Tapir 2 comments
But why? 3 comments
· 6 years ago
As a girl myself I have also dealt with guys who I didn't want to give my number to, but I've never been THIS rude. So disrespectful, just walk away girl.
Evolution of cycles 1 comments
Chug it 58 comments
· 6 years ago
Maybe the alcohol went straight to her boobs so she won't be able to get drunk (secret storage)
You know, insecurities. 9 comments
· 6 years ago
How did you obtain that much confidence and self love? I struggle hard with acne and I could use some tips, please :)
Any recommendations? 16 comments
So, this is Jim Carrey now. Feel old yet? 14 comments
· 7 years ago
He is actually right. Look what we do to all the animals, destroying their living envroinment for our capital needs. Also the mass slaughtering/producing (animals are animals and not products) for us to eat doesn't make it look positive. And think about all the dogs, rabbits and cats people dump in animal shelters, and sometimes even more horrible places. I'm not mad or anything, just trying to spread the much needed awereness for these animals. Because they deserve love :)
Looks like a nice place to live 4 comments
Man saved by Justin Bieber 5 comments
The Dutch minivan 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I never realised that the cycle-culture wasn't as big in the rest of the world as in holland, until I started travelling. I've been riding my bike sinds I was three.
And it works fine 5 comments