
Cleaning skills 100% 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Modern art is about the artist. That's why NO ONE ohhs and ahhs over literal trash, but attach a name to it and suddenly it's "worth" thousands. It's still no-talent trash.
bruh 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
To anyone curious, apple seeds along with the seeds found in pit fruits (peaches, plums, etc.) have cyanide in them and can/will kill you. There is a tipping point amount that once crossed equals death and you can not develop a tolerance to cyanide, so even years of eating apple seeds can kill you if a few too many are consumed.
Be like Omari 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Children's body parts, especially the genitals and vitals, are used in black magic. Albinos are the most "potent" and countless albino children are murdered every year.
Licker? I barely knower 21 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The ice cream manufacturer, Blue Bell, stated that before the final freeze, the cartons are flipped and an airtight seal is created. Removing the lid breaks the seal, so the customer should know they weren't the first to open it, like a pickle jar I guess. Except pickle jars usually state to listen for a pop and nothing is written on the ice cream carton.
Weird space signals 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Fun fact: When you are born, your doctor has a larger gravitational pull on you than the second closest star to earth! In conclusion, astrology is 100% bullshit.
Guy finds a mouse on his dashboard. Handles it about as well as most of us handle spiders 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
In case anyone's wondering, the mouse's "swollen backside" are actually the mouse's giganticly normal testicles.
What's your favorite genre? 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Westerns are now action movies set in the old west. In other words, they've been dead. Sad.
Decomposition of hemp plastic 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It's the ultraviolet waves in sunlight, with water, that actually break it down. Just keep it out of direct sunlight when selling. Ironically, because it must be in sunlight to decompose, the bottles can never be buried or even covered with other bottles lest they last for decades. They have to be laid out in the open to disappear.
Turns out douchebag is a spectrum 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The thieves were crack/meth heads looking to score. This was their first time stealing packages (supposedly) and when they saw their ill-gotten goods on the news, they knew they've gone too far and had to change their lives (supposedly). This was all in a letter included with the returned belt, so take it with a grain of salt.
At least I cropped it before I stole it 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
How conservative can they be if they let non-spouses sleep over? I don't care if girls sleep in the girls room and boys sleep in the boys room, very conservative people aren't letting any non-family members stay over.