
Yes you can 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Alternatively, you could use the money you earn from your job to pay your tuition and other bills, like everybody has to do with bills and things that they want unstead of expecting tuition for free.
Retard system 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yeah, the US inherited the asinine measurement system used in Europe, but then didn't adopt the better one commissioned by Napoleon. Sadly, Americans have to remember numbers like 12 inches in a foot, 5280 feet in a mile, or four quarts in a gallon. Thankfully, much of the rest of the world doesn't have to,waste their valuable brain cells on such things, although if that's too much of a task you might want to reasses your memorization skills.
Clamp the police? 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You two idiots don't know $$$$. When the police order you to do something, just do it and sort out the details later. You think "Black men have died from being complacent?" They've died from not obeying lawful commands like "Stop," "Stay Where you are," and "Keep your hands out of your pockets." No question the police officer was out of line, but look: that's been taken care of because he's been let go. Standing up to look tough for some video or onlookers is a way to get killed.
The birth of modern capitalism. Circa 1500 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
How would you pay for it? The answer is obvious: The Government pays, using the money that they get by taxing only the rich. In fact, The Government can even choose all the content of what we see and do since they're paying for it, and if you believe that a The Government is the source of funding for important things then it's also the best entity to choose content.

If you don't think so, then don't obligate me to choose from a set of one choice for health insurance.