ice cream is very important 6 comments
· 11 years ago
realgirl calm down he just doesnt know its Full House Have an awesome day both of you
I automatically dislike these kind of posts 57 comments
Zombie master 37 comments
· 11 years ago
same. its really amazing how art and writing can affect people on such a touchif level.
· 11 years ago
guys if anything, dont paint it the current color it is. I had a friend with a green one that painted it green and now shes turned into a warewolf but cant ever turn back. shes undrr watch but she always gets loose and attacks everyone. be careful guys.
oh how i love moronic people getting slammed 18 comments
· 11 years ago
martial arts FTW im a brown belt in karate and soon I will earn my black belt.
poor poor anon 21 comments
· 11 years ago
to anyone who has only seen the movie trailer: what you think happens, doesnt. Trust me. But something that you dont think will happen, does.
to anyone who has read the books and seen the trailer: you get exactly what i'm saying.
to anyone who has read the books and seen the trailer: you get exactly what i'm saying.
Im kinda scared now 21 comments
· 11 years ago
i know its kinda weird to think about, but when YOU look at your friend in the mirror, and your friend looks at himself in the mirror you both see slightly different versions of your friend. You see how they actually look like, but they see maybe a slight change in hair color or jaw structure, ect. You Look different than how you think you do, whether your looking at photos of you or a mirror.
In case you haven't seen it yet... 24 comments
· 11 years ago
i get that books are original and guve more detail and such but give the movie a fair chance, i hear it's gonna be amazing! i still love the book though!
Why japan is weird 22 comments
· 11 years ago
im not japanese or asian at all but i think this didnt need to be posted and i and others politely ask for its remo
I'd choose the light blue… 17 comments
· 11 years ago
i hope youve stopped cutting because you are far too beautiful/handsome to do anything like that. I love you. I care. That is all, have a wonderful day.
Microscopic look at bee stinger vs a needle 28 comments
CheMYSTERY 27 comments
· 11 years ago
OR u can say there are 11 endings but only say, 50 books have it. Then get cash.
A little kid's drawing for his father 8 comments
I hate watermarked pics. SUBMISSION RULESSS. 29 comments
Hypochrist 13 comments
· 11 years ago
i didnt get anything, my parents dont like me much. but that wont ruin my christmas(:
Braking the cycle 40 comments
I feel like this gets overlooked nowadays 4 comments
· 11 years ago
i was having a say, rough day, and my sister and i were
driving somewhere. the window was down and at a stoplight a steanger saw i was upset so he gave me a wave and smile. Without knowing it he made my day100 times better. Just thinking that someone who took a moment to say hello makes you feel better. Please take a moment to save someones day.
driving somewhere. the window was down and at a stoplight a steanger saw i was upset so he gave me a wave and smile. Without knowing it he made my day100 times better. Just thinking that someone who took a moment to say hello makes you feel better. Please take a moment to save someones day.
The best ashtray 15 comments
· 11 years ago
i kniw how it feels. my parents smoke arounf me all the time. and my friends parents complain whenever their kid gets home from my house they smell like sucks.
Radioactive decay 4 comments
· 11 years ago
wait ADVANCED chemistry? i take science in 7th grade and passed radioactive decay weeks ago...what...?
I'm squidward today 6 comments
When someone doesn't want you to win 23 comments
· 11 years ago
but if he pronounced it as reed, bed would be out as well. so its kinda a lose/lose situation
NUMBER 2 OMG 16 comments
· 11 years ago
now that i think about that, and realize its true, i feel bad for people who are close to me and like me when i dont like them._.
The pope behind glass 5 comments
· 11 years ago
the new pope is actually pretty good. and im not even christian. This athiest likes the new pope.
The thing about swearing 10 comments
· 11 years ago
i dont understand bad words. why are a certain arrangement of words worse than others? and if it is the meaning behind the words, how come hate and rape and murder are okay words? people are confusing.
Guess the movie, emoji edition 58 comments
Guess the movie, emoji edition 58 comments
Fair enough 20 comments
· 11 years ago
my period stops when its in the shower and then starts again the second i get out-.-
Poor Kevin Jonas 33 comments
This sums up me with any girls 6 comments
· 11 years ago
you ask a question. the person answers and asks you a question that you answer. this goes until you answered and asked 21 questions
Lying tomato 9 comments
· 11 years ago
the holocaust did happen so the tomato is lying. the person calls him a lyin tometa
Bye bye dino 48 comments
· 11 years ago
im sorry but icant be the ONLY one who hasnt seen this dinosuar post? someone please inform me and others who are DYING to know.(: -xxx
FML 6 comments
Danny the Dandelion 9 comments
A second chance 20 comments
· 11 years ago
this is one of the very few posts that have made me actually, LITERALLY, cry. and i mean literally, not figurativly.