
A little more hitler from tumblr, always so powerful 24 comments
guest · 11 years ago
50 Million people died as a direct result of his election in Germany. His mother adored him and he loved her back. Germany was treated as if they alone started and prosecuted the war. Bayer aspirin was invented in Germany. As punishment for the war, Germany signed over all rights to the drug to the US. Land was taken and returned to France. Poland was allowed to become a nation. Czechoslovakia was created. But the big insult was to take away their right to defend themselves. Because the liberal leaders of the time, felt they were only taking back what was theirs, Hitler was allowed to rearm and rebuild their Army, Navy and Air Force and re-occupy land. Hitler got all the credit and the people idolized him for it. He put everyone back to work in the depression, so they idolized him more. Then he did what he planned, he attacked. It was there in his book in detail right down to invading Russia for growing room for the new Germany.
A little more hitler from tumblr, always so powerful 24 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Only acceptable reason is to remind us, Evil will triumph if good people do nothing. Or if they give their vote for a political savior, willing to give up their freedom, intelligence and responsibility, for promised safety. Hitler was elected, People, Hitler was Elected!!
A little more hitler from tumblr, always so powerful 24 comments
guest · 11 years ago
True, I think the idea is he should be punished. No one has the right to take revenge. His only punishment was watching his dreams come apart before his eyes. He took his own life out of fear that what happened to Mussolini would happen to him. No remorse. He said the German people had let him down and were unworthy of him.
A little more hitler from tumblr, always so powerful 24 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Any group that spoke out against him, Jews, catholics, Protestants, editors, reporters judges, doctors, scientists. Was the quickest way to the concentration camps. After he became LEADER, they went after unimportant people who said anything bad about him or his policies.