It's a sad that he is high esteemed 12 comments
· 11 years ago
He's proud to not read books, he's not ashamed of it.
The game 29 comments
· 11 years ago
Idk, our President right now is cool, his "birthing video" was the funniest thing a president has ever done, and he sang on the radio once, so if someone told him about this, I think there is a fair shot of him doing it.
Quit school! 10 comments
· 11 years ago
I volunteer at a church that helps homeless people, and I was speaking to this homeless man, and he said his sister has cancer, and he sold his home to get money for her treatment, and now he just works to try and pay for her other treatments, so yeah, don't stereotype homeless people, if you actually went out and spoke or tried to help them, you'd realize that the majority of them are great people.